Inter-Hall Hindi Elocution

The Scholars’ Avenue
1 min readOct 27, 2009

Original standings:

1. SN
2. RK
3. PH

The position of PH is currently under dispute.

A Standing Appeal has been filed by the halls against the violation of a rule by the Patel Hall of Residence. The rule in question forbids direct communication with the judges. Any communication with a judge must be through the Literary Secretary (TSG).
The halls claim that the Lit. Secy. (PH) and a participant were seen conversing with one of the judges. The Lit. Secy. (PH) claims that he was responding to a query, and that the conversation was initiated by the judge himself. Patel denies any communication between the judge and the participant.

The judge will be contacted later in the day for clarification.

Moreover, the rules allot 5 points for ‘speech consistency’. The marksheets provided by the TSG erroneously had 15 points allotted for the same.
This issue has also been taken up in the appeal.

