Letter to the Editor: Get Req’d

The Science Net
The Science Net
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

To My Dear Editor,

It has been said that there are two things that are certain in life: Death & Taxes, well if that person has been to Pisay he would have deduced a third: Requirements. Yes, the very reason why Pisayers have shattered their circadian rhythms, injected so much caffeine into our systems until our hearts pound & stay up all night until the evenings turn to early mornings.

STRESS FOR EXCELLENCE. Is it still justifiable to push scholars to their breaking points? (Photo by Linette Limsiaco)

One may simply say that Pisayers have a penchant for all-nighters, yet it seems that no matter how many we pull off whether by coffee or Divine Intervention, the requirements keep pouring in. Making requirements can be compared to digging a hole in the sand, as you keep digging into this mountain of requirements, more keep streaming in.

Thus, Mr. Editor I wish for one thing and one thing only, that, like the quizzes, there also be a quota for other requirements, I wish that there be at least some sort of protection for the student’s health. For way too many stressors may prove detrimental to the health of our students, as we would tend to pull off all-nighters one after the other, which has already been scientifically proven to impair critical thinking and learning which is simply counterintuitive. Let’s face it, requirements are supposed to be learning activities designed to teach us and to induce creativity,yet in reality, we all know we are only doing this for the grades not the learning, with that I rest my case.


A concerned scholar

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Dear Scholar,

It is indeed of great concern that the scholars of one of the country’s premier higher learning institutions are bombarded with a galore of requirements. Some might say this is a necessary ordeal in order to form the “scholar” in “Pisay scholar”, and others might point out that one of our requirements for enrollment is to be in a good health condition which is able to withstand the “rigorous” PSHS curriculum.

Indeed, this is the fate of a scholar, yet there may always be better conditions than this observed predicament. Communication between the scholars and their teachers is a necessary tool to find the mean between learning and a strenuous academic experience. Yes, scholars are supposed to withstand the great challenge that is the PSHS curriculum, yet we are all still humans: frail and prone to error. To say that we deserve this bombardment is what can be called as an overstatement, as middle ground should be found unless the day comes where we will find ourselves digging our own graves out of insomnia and depression.

Yes, the challenges of a scholar are great, yet we must remind ourselves when we’ve had too much.


The Editors



The Science Net
The Science Net

In pursuit of disciplined intelligence | The Official Publication of the Philippine Science High School — Eastern Visayas Campus in the English Language