No other way but UPP

UPP trounces admin in SA Election

Nics Faller
The Science Net
2 min readNov 21, 2016


GAME PLAN. Francis Louisse Abaño, the Presidential Nominee of United People of Pisay (UPP), delivers his plan of action during the Miting de Avance last August 26. (Photo by Hannah Mae Gaminde / SA COMELEC)

In an outstanding upset, opposition party United People of Pisay (UPP) gains a supermajority in the Philippine Science High School — Eastern Visayas Campus’ (PSHS-EVC) Student Alliance General Election (SAGE) last August 26, 2016.

Led by Francis Louisse Abaño of Class 2018, UPP aced in margins ranging from 8% of the population in the race for the Presidency to outright landslides, with the greatest at 80% in the battle for Public Information Officer.

Infographic by Nicolas Faller, Jr.

The new ruling party won on a platform of unity and change against the administration party, the Delegation of Advocates Grounded on Action and Nobility (DAGAN), the successor of the ruling party Pisay Leaders Inspiring Freedom and Excellence (Pisay LIFE).

The new government is expected to step down by the end of this Academic Year in compliance with the transitory provisions of the new Student Alliance Constitution, which provides for the next election to be held on May 12, 2017.

