SciNet accepting online contributors, columnists

The pursuit never stops, and certainly does not stop within the office’s walls alone.

The Science Net
The Science Net
1 min readNov 28, 2016


Aiming to be inclusive of more voices among the Philippine Science High School — Eastern Visayas Campus (PSHS-EVC) Community, The Science Net is opening its doors to scholars, faculty, and alumni interested in producing regular columns and features for its online hubs.

According to Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Nicolas Faller, Jr., the inclusion of online contributors has long been in the pipeline, noting that “It is definitely time for the SciNet to aim for new horizons.”

Persons interested in contributing are requested to contact the Editorial Board through, including their affiliation to PSHS-EVC, contact details, and writing specialization(s), and are also asked to maintain a personal account on Medium.

The inclusion of online contributors is only a mere slice of the SciNet’s “Diversified News Gathering and Dissemination Strategy,” formulated by Faller and fellow EIC Emeritus Simon Juleovenz Garnace, which is aimed at utilizing modern media, technology, and aesthetics to expand its reach, news-gathering capabilities, and audience.

“Online media is the new frontier for journalists, and stepping into this frontier fulfills our obligation of integrating scientific innovation in the pursuit of disciplined intelligence,” Faller expressed.



The Science Net
The Science Net

In pursuit of disciplined intelligence | The Official Publication of the Philippine Science High School — Eastern Visayas Campus in the English Language