Astrology and Scientific method

Can Scientific method be applied to Astrology?

Abhinav Kashyap
The Science of Astrology
5 min readOct 1, 2023


Once a period of time both Astrology and Astronomy were one and the same until they were separated from each other where Astronomy was accepted as Science and Astrology was disregarded as not being Scientific because at that time there was no proper explanation for Astrology and the way of thinking and paradigm never supported the claims of Astrology.

  • What is Science?

It is a collection of all knowledge which has objective evidence where subjective theories are made by observing the phenomenon that is occurring in nature.

There are experiments that are conducted to test the validity of the so called theory to see whether it works as claimed.

So to call anything or any phenomenon as "Scientific" it should have an objective evidence where a valid subjective theory is to be formulated in order to explain that phenomenon.

  • Is there any objective evidence for Astrology? Is Astrology Scientific?

In March 1951, an American Radio Engineer John H Nelson discovered that there was a correlation between different Planetary positions with respect to propagation of Radio waves. John Nelson concluded that the planetary positions orchestrated Sun spots and due to which there was a distortion in propagation of Radio waves. John Nelson was also an amateur Astronomer.

John Nelson's discovery was a subject of interest in Astronomical circles. Astrologers took keen interest in his discovery, as it gave an objective evidence for Astrology and planetary influences.

The discovery of Radio Engineer John Nelson seemed to suggest that alignments of planets with respect to the Sun also had an effect upon Earth. These angles also seem to coincide with Astrological aspects:

Opposition- 180 degrees

Quincunx- 150 degrees

Trine- 120 degrees

Square- 90 degrees

Sextile- 60 degrees

Semi-sextile - 30 degrees

In traditional Astrology, the opposition, square and trine aspects are said to be powerful and other aspects are said to be less powerful.

British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr.Percy Seymour has written 2 books on Astrology and has formulated a Magnetic theory of Astrology explaining how Astrology works and the Scientific mechanism behind Astrology based on the discovery of an American Radio Engineer John H Nelson.

To say anything or any phenomenon as “Science”, it needs to obey the “Scientific method” to be verified as Science or Scientific.

There are many evidences and speculations suggesting that revolving planets and planetary alignments orchestrates Solar activity and which causes Geomagnetism which influences all Biological organisms including humans on Earth.

Professor Balfour Stewart, who is the author of The Unseen Universe and has studied meteorology and the Earth’s magnetism, stated that there were many reasons for believing in the relationship between planetary alignments and sunspots. He declared, “If all these speculations are proved to be right, it means that we were totally mistaken about Medieval Astrology.”

Dr.Jane Blizard’s work for NASA showed evidence for heliocentric planetary conjunctions, oppositions, and certain 90° alignments giving rise to violent solar disturbances. Due to this, the fluctuations in the earth’s magnetic field will change from 0.0ci to 2.0ci (ci – International magnetic character figure), as noted by geophysicists. This means earth’s magnetism will change depending on disturbances caused by solar magnetic wind. This change in earth’s magnetism will bring changes in human beings.

British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr.Percy Seymour's theory explained Dr. Jane Blizard’s work.

Now, it is observed that people undergoing Saturn retrograde (not 7 years retrograde) meet with an accident where the person’s right leg gets injured. Now the question is “how Saturn retrograde influences humans where his/her right leg gets injured?”,“What is the reason behind such Astrological phenomenon?”

To answer the above questions we need to find an answer for the following questions “How does planets influence humans?”, “What is the mechanism behind for planetary influences?”, “What is the Scientific evidence of Astrology?”, “How does Astrology work?”.

The answer to above questions will give clues for how Saturn retrograde can or will influence humans,upon which we can formulate a hypothesis and formulating hypothesis doesn't end there, we need to conduct an experiment to check the validity of the formulated hypothesis. You need to design an experiment, conduct it and check your results of the experiment whether it is following the formulated hypothesis correctly or not.

Regarding about the mechanism behind how Saturn retrograde influence humans, i have written an article on this topic where I have proposed a mechanism behind this Astrological phenomenon. But it is to be noted that i am not a Scientist, nor do i know for sure whether my hypothesis is correct or not.

If my hypothesis is proved to be correct either partially or even better completely, then it gives credence to British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour’s “Magnetic Theory of Astrology”.

  • Can Astrological predictions or Astrological traits be tested?

Yes, but not all Astrological predictions can be tested Scientifically according to me. Testing Astrological predictions isn’t very easy, you can demonstrate and show how Aeroplane flies (like Wright brothers). But you can’t demonstrate and show how Astrological predictions work that easily.

I would say much of Astrology is Scientific but except some Astrological predictions which is said to be done based on intuition.

As British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour puts it:

“I think that there might well be another level and this is what the astrologers are saying. My theory can explain what all astrologers are saying. I can’t explain what all astrologers are saying. It might well be that they are seeing a level of reality or sensing reality in a deeper way than the scientists can. I don’t rule out that possibility. I am trying to investigate that possibility in my next book [on astrology].”

“Dr. Percy Seymour wrote a startling book entitled “Astrology:the Evidence of Science”, which states that certain predictions made from horoscopes can be explained logically and tested scientifically. He has wagered his professional standing by espousing such a theory and, as a result, endured much criticism.”

(All the images mentioned in this article is taken from Google)

Refer the below mentioned article:

My own Scientific theory of Astrological influences of planets

