Astrology is much more than Barnum-Forer effect and Placebo effect

Abhinav Kashyap
The Science of Astrology
7 min readMay 17, 2022

If you surf through Internet exploring for the “Scientific evidence of Astrology”,you are sure to come across many websites citing that Astrology is nothing more than a Barnum-Forer effect and Placebo effect.

Astrology is said to be nothing more than a mumbo-jumbo.

But Astrology is much more than Barnum-Forer effect and Placebo effect, Astrology is not that as simple as 12 Zodiac Sun signs, it is much more than 12 simple Zodiac Sun signs.

Astrology at present times or modern times is considered as pseudoscience, but nevertheless Astrology is much more popular than “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, despite Astrology being declared as pseudoscience and while the latter “Astronomy and Astrophysics” considered as Scientific.

If you visit any social media, if you check the statistics of number of posts related to both “Astrology” and “Astronomy & Astrophysics”, you see that number of posts related to Astrology is outnumbering the posts related to “Astronomy and Astrophysics” even during the age of Science and Technology.

what is Barnum-Forer effect?

Barnum-Forer effect is a Psychological phenomenon, that occurs when individuals believe

that specific phenomenon is true for them. But it is not at all true for others. It is a cognitive bias.

Is Astrology false and only appears to be true because of Barnum-Forer effect?

Now consider there are 2 persons who are born under Gemini Sun sign,but it is to be noted that they have different
Moon sign and the position or placement of different respective planets in space differs which can modify their personality traits overall.

Now consider this,it is said that highest number of Nobel prize winners are from Gemini
which is 97.

So does that mean that all the people who are born under different Sun signs aren’t smart

No,that is completely wrong assumption. What about the position of Moon and different
planets in birth charts of respective Gemini Sun sign Nobel prize winners?

American Mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr. was a Sun sign Gemini. So are all the people
who are born under Gemini Sun sign “John Forbes Nash Jr”?

No,it is a wrong assumption. What is important here to understand is that “there are many
Gemini Sun sign born people,but the position of different planets in their respective birth charts
in different position is important to consider”.

Yes,Gemini Sun sign born people maybe having highest Nobel prize winners. But the
“highest number” cannot be literally taken as a result. Each person born in different Zodiac Sun sign is intelligent.

These “rankings” of Zodiac Sun signs can change too and we cannot always assume that
“Gemini” is the most intelligent sign which means the number of Nobel prize winners in a

particular Zodiac Sun sign can change in future.

You can’t assume that every Gemini Sun sign born person are like this 97 Gemini Nobel
prize winners.

•Astrology works only due to Barnum-Forer effect.

Well that sounds very true only for Zodiac Sun signs and Astrology can be easily disproved
by Zodiac Sun signs. Astrology is not all about 12 Zodiac Sun signs and it is not all that very simple. Human personality is one of the very complex subject and so is Genetics.

Human personality traits are very much comorbid in nature.

Astrologically speaking, Saturn in 6th house of Virgo can make a person a perfectionist. Now Sun in Virgo Zodiac sign is said to have perfectionist traits as one of their main traits. Hence we can see the comorbidity of personality traits here.

What is Placebo effect?

Going according to the Medical terminology, Placebo effect is defined as a cognitive bias where a person who is sick is given a water and told that it is a medicine, this will cure his sickness and that person consumes it thinking it is a medicine and it will cure their sickness. Even though there is no any significant improvement in their health, they believe that there is an effect.

This Psychological phenomenon is called Placebo effect. But Placebo effect is only effective as long as the person believes in their cognitive function bias, but it so happens that person is aware of the truth, there the Placebo effect ceases to exist.

No, Astrology isn’t as simple as to call it Placebo effect.

Same cannot be said about Astrology in this regard, because Astrology is much more complicated than the 12 simple Zodiac Sun signs.

Above image: French Psychologist Michel Gauquelin

Michel Gauquelin, a French psychologist and statistician, was highly skeptical of the validity of astrology. In his book, “Written in the Stars” he outlines the research he conducted to find out if there was a correlation between a person’s chosen profession and their natal chart. Gauquelin’s findings placed astrology firmly on the doorstep of science. His findings revealed that the position of the stars had some indication as to what line of work a person may enter in life. The psychologist Hans Eysenck once said, “How ever much it may go against the grain, I think we must admit that there is something here that requires explanation.” His results, however, only seemed to work within the members of the higher professionals, the same response not being achievable with unskilled workers.

Gauquelin found that people of certain professions tend to have the same planets in these critical segments with a greater frequency than statistical average. Not only that, but he also found an effect which he titled the “theory of eminence” which holds that not only do people established in their chosen fields have a greater than statistical chance average of having those planets in these important fields. The more eminent a person is in their field, the greater the likelihood that those planets will be found in those critical segments. For example, doctors were found to have the planet of Saturn in these critical segments. If you take an average, general practice physician, the chances of he or she having Saturn in that critical position is much less than the chart of a highly prominent physician, one who is frequently published and renowned in their field. In other words, the more prominent you are in your field, the greater the chances you will have the corresponding planet in the critical field of the wheel.

Although scientists find Gauquilin’s findings very disquieting, increasingly sophisticated analysis seems to confirm, rather than disconfirm, certain of the original results. For example, in a 1986 study, the German researcher, Suitbert Ertel, reported:

“A reanalysis of Gauquelin professional data using alternative procedures of statistical treatment supports previous Gauquelin results. Frequency deviations from chance expectancy along the scale of planetary sectors differ markedly between professions.” (Suitbert Ertel)

Above image: A book by Psychiatrist Dr. Mitchell Gibson

“Psychiatrist Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson, M.D., did a study of more than 400 astrological birth charts and through the use of scientific statistical research models, discovered a new technique for predicting mental illness. He discovered that the average person’s birth chart contains about three marker aspects of depression. The birth chart of someone with major depression contains an average of ten such markers. Even with no previous astrological experience, a person can spot the indicators for mental illness through the declinations and multiple planet aspects that form the basis of this pioneering work. All of the patients were diagnosed according to the DSM, the gold standard of psychiatric diagnostic criteria. The diagnostic groups represented include major depression, anxiety, addictive disorder, schizophrenia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. His study is documented in his book Signs Of Mental Illness: An Astrological and Psychiatric Breakthrough by Mitchell E. Gibson.”

A French-Canadian Mathematician Vincent Godbout has found statistically significant correlation between character traits identified by astrology software program and famous French psychological test.(below link)

Refer my below other mentioned article about “My own Scientific theory of Astrology”

**Reference: below mentioned link

Note: The copyright of the mentioned images and external links doesn’t belong to me. Only used as a reference for my article.

