What is the difference between “Astronomers & Astrophysicists” and Astrologers?

Abhinav Kashyap
The Science of Astrology
9 min readSep 3, 2022

I think and believe that everyone (almost literally) knows the answer to this question “What is the difference between “Astronomers & Astrophysicists” and Astrologers?”, i decided to elaborate it in much more deeply.

There are some people who mistake an Astronomer to be an Astrologer.

So, the word “Astronomy” and “Astrology” appears to be very similar and therefore many people confuse or get confused with words “Astronomy” and “Astrology”, thereby getting the word juggled. So is the same reason for words “Astronomer” and “Astrologer”.

Once a period of time, both Astrology and Astronomy were one and the same. They were studied as twin Science until they were separated during Enlightenment era in Europe which ignited the Scientific revolution, thus beginning the era of enlightenment.

Historically, Astronomers were Astrologers and vice versa. Many famous Astronomers in History like Italian Astronomer Galileo Galilei, German Astronomer Johannes Kepler and many more were all some of the famous Astronomers and Astrologers as well.

As always repeated again and again, Astrology and Astronomy is not the same for in the present times or modern times.

There is a lot of difference between term Astrology and Astronomy, therefore the terms Astrology and Astronomy is light-years away from each other.

“Astrophysics” is a much more preferred modern term for Astronomy. Physics applied to Astronomy is Astrophysics.

“Astrophysicists and Astronomers” are Scientists who are trained in studying Stars, planets and other Celestial bodies in the space. They also study the phenomenon occurring space and try to explain those phenomenon Scientifically.

“Astronomers and Astrophysicists” study the Physical properties, Chemical composition of Celestial bodies, and other various Physical phenomenon occurring in space.

“Astronomers and Astrophysicists” study our Universe, trying to understand how old our Universe is, how Stars and planets were formed, and many other various phenomenons.

“Astrophysicists and Astronomers” are broadly classified into 3 types depending upon their profession which are:

  1. Observationalist
  2. Theoretical
  3. Instrumentalist

Observationalist are those who are specialized in observation, they are “Astronomers” in the truest sense.

Theoretical Astronomers are “Astrophysicists”, they are Physicists who are trained in Astronomy. Physics applied to Astronomy is Astrophysics, they gather “data” from the observationalist Astronomers, here data is nothing but Astronomical observations made by observationalist Astronomers. Theoretical Astronomers take this data and apply their Physics and Mathematics knowledge and try to explain these phenomenon with a proper developed Mathematical model. They are “Astrophysicists” in a truest sense.

Instrumentalists are those who are specialized in building Telescopes which can be useful and serve for a specific tailored requirements to study Astronomical phenomenon. Instrumentalists are more like an Engineers.

There are some “Astrophysicists and Astronomers” who are specialized in all these 3 roles or skills, they undertake all these roles.

Now, coming to “Astrologer”, an Astrologer is someone who practices Astrology.

Astrology is said to be a divination where an Astrologer predicts your personality traits, characteristics, behaviour and tries to predict your future or general future events by referring to the position and moment of Celestial bodies like Sun, Moon and planets which is considered as a pseudoscience.

An “Astrologer” is an “amateur Astronomer” who is specialised in only determining the position and moment of Celestial bodies and trying to chart out the characteristics, behaviour and traits of a person or general future events.

Astronomy applied to human Psychology is Astrology.

From my own definition for “Who is an Astrologer?”

It is a matter of debate whether Astrology is Scientific or not.

British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour has written 2 books on Astrology.

Above image: British Astrophysicist and Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour

According to Dr. Percy Seymour’s magnetic theory of Astrology, the revolving planets orchestrate Solar activity which is responsible for fluctuations in Geomagnetic field via the influence of Solar wind, the fluctuations in Geomagnetic field has said to be having profound influence on wide variety of organisms including humans.

  • The below excerpt is taken from the book “The Birth of Christ: Exploding the myth” written by British Astrophysicist & Astronomer Dr. Percy Seymour, Chapter name: “Written in the Stars?”,pg. no 176–179

Above image is taken from Google

My theory makes extensive use of the concept of resonance - resonance between the tidal pull (caused by gravity) of the planets on the very hot gases trapped in the magnetic fields of the sun and earth, and resonance between the resulting fluctuations of earth’s magnetic field and the electrical activity of the neural network of the foetus.

The aim is to point out that a certain type of correlation does exist. It also asks why the correlation exists and suggests a mechanism - which is testable - which can explain the correlation in terms of known forces.

Magnetic-tidal resonance between the sun, earth and planets

We should start with what we can say we know:

1. It has been observed that violent magnetic storms on the sun coincide with certain planetary configurations. These violent events take place when planets are in conjunction with, in opposition to, or square to the sun (as seen from the sun). It therefore appears that the planets have a gravitational effect upon the sun's magnetic field. This seems inexplicable because: (a) gravity does not affect a body's magnetic field, so no planet's gravitational field could affect the sun's magnetic field;

(b) the gravitational pull from a planet would be so weak compared with the sun’s own gravitational field, that it could not possibly affect the sun in any way.

2. However, we also know that: (a) the sun’s magnetic field has particles associated with it which can be subject to gravitational pull; (b) via the phenomenon of resonance, canals in the magnetic field of the sun can channel the field and particles within them, and can therefore greatly amplify the relatively weak force of gravitational pull, to the extent that the gravitational pull of a planet can have a measurable effect.

Hence there is a mechanism by which a planet’s gravitational field may have an effect on the sun’s magnetic field.

3. Both the sun and the moon exert a gravitational pull on the earth. This gravitational pull can influence the geomagnetic field via the charged particles which are known to exist in this field high above the atmosphere. In particular, the fluctuations in the moon’s gravitational field, at a specific location on earth, follow a pattern of peaks and troughs which has an observable counterpart in the geomagnetic field (known as 'the lunar daily magnetic variation’).

4. Violent sunspot activity is known to correlate with increased activity in the magnetic field of earth. This is as a result of changes in the solar wind, which constantly pours out from the sun, but which increases in intensity during high sunspot activity.

5. Organic life on earth has been shown to respond to the variations in earth's magnetic field. This applies not only to simple life forms, but has also been measured in human beings.

As a result, a mechanism already exists whereby a planet could in principle evoke a response in a human being in some way. Organisms (including humans) can therefore be affected by the geomagnetic field; in turn, the geomagnetic field is affected by sunspot activity, and sunspot activity is triggered by the gravitational pull of planets when they are in certain alignments to the sun.

6. Magneto-tidal resonance also occurs directly between certain planets and the geomagnetic field. Certain frequencies in the field match those of planetary tides and become locked in the same phase as these tides. The direct effect of planetary conjunctions on the sun's magnetic field enhance the solar wind, and, consequently, the effects upon the geomagnetic field are amplified.

There are three further points that we can say we know, perhaps with less certainty:

7. The influence of magnetism upon a simple organism is explained in terms of the beads of magnetite within the organism. Higher organisms possess nervous systems which are like electrical networks, and electrical networks respond to magnetic fluctuation. The structure of the nervous system is organised by the genetic code. Some organisms have been shown to have 'locked into' their genetic make-up a response to specific fluctuations of the geomagnetic field.

8. Human biological dispositions and abilities may be described, up to a point, in terms of how their nervous systems are structured by the genetic code. This is not to claim that all human personality is genetically based, but some qualities, e.g. physical abilities or inherited psychological traits, may be demonstrated to be genetically based. This area of biological research is known as 'behavioural genetics’, and is an expanding area with more to be discovered.

9. Shortly before birth, the foetus in the womb possesses the normal five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell), and can respond to events outside the womb, as well as events which affect the mother, such as noises or shock. Its genetically organised nervous system is fully functional, so a foetus may also respond to its magnetic environment.

It is therefore clear that there is a growing body of knowledge about the links between genetic structures of organisms and the ways in which organisms respond to magnetism. We now come to Gauquelin's statistical findings.

10. Statistical evidence shows that a particular planet is likely to be in the ascendant or at its highest point in the sky when a certain type of individual is born. This suggests that any mechanism, by which a planet might evoke a response in a human being, would apply to the moment of birth.

11. The incidence of planetary positions at birth being the same in parent and child is enhanced on magnetically disturbed days. This is explained in point 6 above.

So far, the observed effects have been organised into a sequence. From all of the above, it can be stated that there is a certain chain of events which may be said to associate planetary positions with the moment of birth of a human being. The associative links are statistically significant, although at the moment there is no explanation for the type of physical mechanism involved except that it involves magnetic fields. The following is a suggested extension of the mechanism whereby a planet may influence human activity within a prescribed limit:

12. As we know, the nervous system of a human being may be described as a 'wiring system' which determines basic character traits and the biological clocks of the individual. These have been linked to the geomagnetic field, and I am suggesting that the neural activity of an individual responds to fluctuations of the geomagnetic field in a very specific way:

(a) neural activity responds only to certain magnetic fluctuations, not all fluctuations, and this can be explained as a phenomenon of resonance. The neural activity of a human being is wired up so that it responds to certain kinds of magnetic fluctuation which are too minute in themselves to have a measurable influence, but are resonantly magnified to a clearly measurable degree;

(b) an individual possesses a particular kind of biological clock which schedules the timing of birth at a resonantly appropriate moment, a moment which is 'locked in phase' with the tidal magnetic influence of a particular planet. As a result, there is a correlation between the moment of birth and significant planetary positions.

I have put together information collected by other people, set it out in a systematic way, and developed it by adding speculation of my own. This speculation is that the phenomenon of resonance can be brought in to explain results for which at present no other scientific explanation exists. A scientific hypothesis has therefore been constructed, which is now available to be tested to prove whether or not the suggestion works. My theory is speculative, although it rests firmly on known physical forces and observed statistical correlations, and suggests a way in which a planetary influence on certain human behaviour might occur. The point of a scientific theory is to frame questions in terms of already known facts, so that work may be carried out to test that theory, and that is how science progresses.

(end of the excerpt)

Refer the below article:


(some of the images mentioned in this article are taken from Google)

