Why Astronomy should be made part of school education?

Abhinav Kashyap
The Science of Astrology
4 min readMar 5, 2023

(Above image: representational image taken from Google)

Astronomy (also Astrology-they were 1 and same for a period of time in History) have played a pivotal role in shaping up Civilizations in History. But you don’t even study Astronomy and Astrophysics (at least basic) in Schools. It should be part of our curriculum.

“Astrology and Astronomy” were always the cradle for birth of civilizations, be it any civilizations. It always played a pivotal role in shaping the civilizations, people’s feelings about the world and their feelings. Cosmos was always fascinating with its colourful Celestial bodies and mankind had
always been fascinated by the Cosmos which is evident in History where ancient Pagans worshipped Celestial bodies in the form of personification of gods and goddesses.

“Astronomy and Astrophysics” has contributed a lot to Science and humanity in general. An
“Astronomical clock” is one of the most important and early contributions of “Astronomy”.

Above image: An Astronomical clock in Venice, Italy (image source: Google)

An astronomical clock, horologium, or orloj is a clock with special mechanisms and dials to display astronomical information, such as the relative positions of the sun, moon, zodiacal constellations, and sometimes major planets.

Now we know how much is the importance of time in our daily lives. We depend on clock to determine the time and do our daily tasks based on the time. A clock is essentially nothing but

measurement of time which is based on the Astronomical positions of different Celestial bodies like Planets, Sun and Moon. Through clock we are able to measure or determine the day and night. It is due to time, that we have a structured and disciplined way of life.

Astronomy inculcates curious mindset and Scientific inquisitiveness in children. Astronomy is a good subject to develop the cognitive function in a child.

  • Who doesn’t love Astronomy?

Almost all loves Astronomy atleast as a hobby, Introducing basic Astronomy is a great way of bringing out the Scientist hidden in a child.

(Above image is taken from Google)

Astronomy is a great subject where you can improve the child’s observation skills by introducing them to observational Astronomy, which is an asset for child’s overall development.

Above screenshot is taken from an app Stellarium mobile planetarium

Above image: taken from phone is of Venus-Jupiter conjunction located at west direction in Pisces Zodiac sign

As they say coding is the future which implies that learning to code and knowing how to do coding becomes a necessity for everyone in near future. I would say Astronomy is the future, because as Scientists are coming to the conclusion that everything is related to Astronomy, atleast indirectly, if not directly.

Astronomy (also Astrophysics in modern terms) plays a major role in contributing something to other Science fields like Geophysics or basically Earth Sciences and even Biology for that matter and various other Science fields.

It can be rightly regarded that Astronomy is the mother of Science and according to some study our human civilization had been Stargazing since 40,000 years ago. Hence, Astronomy is the oldest Science in existence.

(Above screenshot is taken by me)

Once a period of time both Astrology and Astronomy were one and the same until they were seperated from each other where Astronomy was accepted as Science. Astrology and Astronomy were considered as twin Science where ancient famous Astronomers were also Astrologers and vice versa.

  • How to inculcate interest of Astronomy in children?
  1. Buying a Telescope and teaching them to stargaze using Telescope looking at the stars in night sky or other celestial bodies in the night sky.
  2. Buy some good “Astronomy and Astrophysics” books which will increase their
  3. Inducting them as a member in a local “Amateur” Astronomy club.
  4. Making them visit Planetarium at least once in a month.
  5. Making them watch documentaries on “Astronomy and Astrophysics”.
  6. Making them learn how to stargaze and identify the stars, where they are situated in the night sky.
  7. Making them to attend webinar on topics related to “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, if possible.
  8. Taking them to visit Library to read Science magazines which deals with “Astronomy and Astrophysics”, thus increasing their knowledge.

Read my other article mentioned below:

Influence of Astronomy in the world


