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Not a Doctor
The Science of Human


Science most mysterious, or peacock feathers. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Love science? Cool, me too! Let’s hang out.

What We Do

I started The Science of Human because, in my opinion, there aren’t enough quality science publications on Medium — that accept submissions, anyway. Most seem to have a closed-door circle of writers with boatloads of initials behind their names.

And good for them. But the coolest thing about science? It’s not just for scientists! Science is all around us, permeating the sociocultural air we breathe. It is literally the fundamental basis for everyday life: how we behave, the choices we make, and how these behaviors give rise to cultural norms and institutions. Did humans do something great? Something shitty? Let’s figure out why. SCIENCE!

How We Do It

I am going to value quality above all else, so will be flexible on topic, voice, style, etc.

The “science of human” covers a pretty wide range of areas: from evolution and genetics, to development, to neuroscience, up to social psychology. Did I forget something? Comment on this post!

Culture comprises a lot of topics as well, from issues like equality, social justice, and morality, all the way to specific…



Not a Doctor
The Science of Human

I’m a PhD student studying neuroscience and statistics, with penchants for futurism, socialism, and Taoism. Am ruled by a tiny dictator.