#OPINION | Standing on the Sidelines

The Science Scholar
The Science Scholar
6 min readDec 16, 2021

by Charly Viñas and Siobe Saavedra

Cover Art by Keona Malaya

Neutrality is a familiar concept for many: it’s the state of being impartial in terms of views and opinions. To simplify, it’s when someone decides not to take a side — or rather, when someone decides to stay on the sidelines.

The sidelines often seem like safe zones. In a sports field, those who are not playing stay on the sidelines to prevent unnecessary events and accidents from happening. It’s sensible in this scenario, but many tend to think this goes for other situations as well, such as when dealing with pressing societal issues. Apathy may seem like the safer path at first especially if an issue does not directly concern us. However, there are actually instances wherein this can cause more harm than good.

With the up-and-coming 2022 elections, neutrality has become increasingly prevalent on social media. While many show their support for their chosen candidates, others decide to lay low and stray from the arguments and debates that occur on a regular basis. Aside from politics, neutrality is also rampant in issues involving social injustice and brutality, such as the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in 2020.

It’s abhorrent how there are people who can witness these injustices and cruelties yet are still unable to find it in their hearts to care. But when an issue does not directly affect an individual, it’s easy for them to be apathetic. Advocating for something that is not self-serving seems like a waste of time. Besides this, there are a myriad of other possible reasons people decide to remain neutral.

For one, some fear the backlash they may receive if they take a stand. Neutrality and silence go hand-in-hand. If neutrality is the absence of views and opinions, silence is the absence of speech or sound. There are certain people who appear neutral, but in reality, are just silent. They are inclined to remain silent because they fear being in the wrong or having a different opinion from the majority. Although silence isn’t necessarily synonymous with neutrality, both are still equally harmful.

In some cases, silence on issues cannot be helped. For minors, especially, this silence is provoked by fear of their family members. Political disagreements are bound to happen because many families still expect all of their members to have the same political stand; if someone doesn’t, this person will be ostracized. Because of this difficult position some are put in, they end up not voicing their opinions, no matter how much they may want to.

Now, social media has given the silenced a platform to fearlessly speak up; however, this also comes with repercussions which will be discussed more later on.

Another reason for staying neutral would be a dislike for sparking debate. Sometimes, people pride themselves in this, thinking that it is the right thing to do since they wouldn’t be making an enemy of anyone or inflicting any damage. However, this is not something to be proud of; if anything, it shows one’s indifference towards society and the world.

Affording not to care is a privilege, and those who are granted this privilege should acknowledge it instead of hiding behind it.

In the case of the BLM movement, many black influencers spoke up about how hurtful it was to see white influencers staying silent despite the atrocities occurring around them. During this time, many social media users urged public figures to educate themselves and speak out on the issue at hand.

However, in the Philippines, where, aside from the pandemic, other problems are constantly arising, it’s difficult for Filipino influencers to publicize their stances and spread awareness. Circling back to the first reason — they are continually threatened and silenced by people who believe in the notion that celebrities and influencers are only there to entertain. There is also the cancel culture phenomenon where, in this scenario, Filipino netizens attack influencers for expressing their opinions on social media. These are only a few of the repercussions that speaking up on social media can bring.

The term “influencer” is defined as a person who exerts influence and inspires or guides the actions of others. They are there to influence, not only to entertain, which is why the backlash these Filipino influencers receive did not hinder them from speaking up. In fact, they did not just influence their fanbase, but also inspired other personalities to speak up too, which is proof of how powerful their words and actions are.

In a time when social media is widespread, it’s incredibly important for those with large platforms to take a stand. With their huge reaches, they have the power to amplify oppressed voices and use their privilege for the good of society. If the roles were reversed, they would surely want society to do the same for them.

This goes for everyone else as well, with or without a large platform. At the end of the day, what is there to lose? Doing the bare minimum does not compare to the hardships others have to go through on a daily basis.

Those who choose so-called “neutrality” and defend it by saying they don’t know enough about an issue to have a definite stance, especially in politics, are the ones who give power to oppressive systems. They use this as an excuse to justify their ignorance of humanitarian issues. However, there are a multitude of resources on various topics accessible to almost everyone nowadays which people can use to educate themselves if they don’t fully understand current issues. It won’t take up too much time to at least become aware of an issue, and they have the liberty to stop reading and researching when things get too tough or triggering.

When taking a stand, it is important to be aware of what it is we really stand for, as it can be very telling of the kind of people we are. We should always think things through and verify facts first, instead of spreading false information or immediately believing in everything we see or hear. Staying well-informed shows our concern for the people and the world around us.

There is a thin line between remaining neutral and turning a blind eye to wrongdoings. It sounds like a good choice to stay inoffensive, but it’s not just about choosing not to take a stand. By being neutral, one is still taking a personal stance against every option. Neutrality is, in short, not supporting anything at all, which is just as insidious as supporting the corrupt.

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor,” said Nobel Laureate Desmond Tutu.

In a sense, there is no absolute state of neutrality. Subconsciously, people tend to lean toward a side. However, even if one does take a side, a person’s silence still only benefits the oppressor and endangers lives.

Taking a stand seems bold, but ultimately, the change we achieve now can shape our future. The leaders we choose for our nation, the justice we bring to the oppressed — our choices can make or break our society. It can instigate hope for future generations and help them find the strength and the spirit to advocate for more change and to achieve what the marginalized have been seeking all this time: justice and equality.

At a time when societal issues are constantly on the rise, and especially in the Philippines where the 2022 elections are on the horizon, we can no longer afford to stay silent. We have to take a stand and speak up as a community. Acts as minimal as expressing our opinions on social media or, with regard to the elections, merely voting wisely and advocating for capable candidates can show that we are taking a stand because we care.

If we want change, we have to be brave. Change will never happen if we simply stay on the sidelines.



The Science Scholar
The Science Scholar

The official English publication of the Philippine Science High School–Main Campus. Views are representative of the entire paper.