The Election Interviews: 2020 Batch Council

Jia Parma
The Science Scholar
12 min readSep 3, 2016

As Pisay scholars, making informed decisions regarding the candidates we elect is essential not only to ensure a better school year for everyone, but also to guide us in making better decisions for our Philippine political candidates in the future. That’s why this week, we’ll be interviewing your candidates for this year’s elections.

Running for your 2020 Batch Council are independent candidate Josh Ludan and the party Voxinity.

President: Josh Ludan

Why did you select the position you are running for?

To be honest, the idea of me running as a president just started as a joke between me and my friends last school year, but then I realized there are some things that the batch council could be addressing that they aren’t. I chose to be president because it seemed the like the most fitting position to tackle most of our current problems. The first time it became less of a joke and more of a real thing was when I made a Facebook study group for sharing reviewers. It was thing that took me like a couple minutes to make but it really helped people prepare for tests. I then started wondering what other simple things the batch could implement that would provide decent benefits. I had so many ideas. I still wasn’t sure on whether I should run, but when this school year started and Pisay made all these new policies I knew for sure that I was going to campaign.

It was thing that took me like a couple minutes to make but it really helped people prepare for tests.

Given your position, how will you be able to address the concerns of your fellow students?

One of the main ideas I’m using for the platform I’m running on is the idea of an “open council”. Any student with a concern or idea is free to message the batch council and we will do our best to back that person provided they have enough support. I will also try to actively instead of passively seek out feedback from the student body.

If you could only accomplish one thing in your term, what would it be?

Help make the school rules less technophobic. I feel like the school doesn’t trust its students enough to use things like phones and laptops responsibly. Those things are just tools and its up to students to manage how they apply them. Removing access from that tool doesn’t improve the underlying problem of avoiding responsibility or getting distracted.

Why do you deserve to win?

I have a lot of ideas that I think would benefit the batch.

In one sentence, state your party’s General Plan of Action.

A unity of voices (Espina)

Diba a voice for all?(Jumangit)

Di kasi, yung problem ko with that statement, it’s like saying na we’re the voice for all, instead of just uniting the voices and creating kind of a bridge between the admin and everyone else and our batch. (Espina)

We are all unique as a person, but when a lot of voices are in a choir, they harmonize and they do something beautiful.

What are the guiding principles of your party?

Since our name is Voxinity, the main foundations of our party are voice (vox) and unity. Basically our two main goals for this school year is to one — improve communications between yung batch namin and everyone else, because there are so many problems about that. We want to hear what they have to say. In that way din we hope to unite them as a batch kasi you know how we are all unique as a person, but when a lot of voices are in a choir, they harmonize and they do something beautiful.

Why did you name your party VOXINITY?

‘Vox’ is Latin for voice. The ‘inity’ part is from unity. The moment we started this party, the moment I joined the party (Espina) we knew that it was gonna be based on giving the people a voice and uniting them as well, as a batch. And us helping them be the best people they can be.

President: Louise Espina

Why did you select the position you are running for?

That’s where I am experienced in. I’ve only ever been a president in my life, I don’t want to be conceited but I think I’m doing a pretty good job at it like when I was in Dahlia even in grade school. Since I’m experienced in that na, so yung confidence ko nag-buildup na for that position. The president is the one who has to see that everything is in order, I think I can do that for this batch. I know how to work with them and we work as a team. Yung position, mataas yan but like without the other party members, wala na siyang saysay for me because we work as one. When we unite as batch council, we can unite the batch din.

Given your position, how will you be able to address the concerns of your fellow students?

I know naman na we’re not perfect and we all have flaws. If they have concerns about me, the batch or the admin, I want them to be able to approach me and talk to me. In a way na hindi sila mahihiya or maghohold back. That’s a place that I have to improve on, kasi some people find me scary. If I win, I’ll be very open to what they have to say and as much as possible I want to work towards what they want to change or improve.

We have to listen to what they have to say, because what we’re doing is for them.

If you could accomplish only one thing in your term, what would it be?

The online and offline forums. We’re trying to make communication easier for the batch, admin, ManComm. Sa online, ibibigay nila lahat ng opinion nila about the things that they want to talk about. The administration, yung mga new policies and if we’re doing a good job. We’re trying to let them speak for themselves. But in a way we’ll still filter through that because we don’t want unwanted flak from them for the admin because they’re trying their best. For offline forum, what our vision for that is, for example in December — so that’s half of the school year — we’ll reserve the 3rd floor Audi, and then the whole batch will be there. We will tell them what we’ve done and they will tell us their opinions on that. We have to listen to what they have to say, because what we’re doing is for them. We just really want to have a conversation between the batch and batch council. Kung alam niyo yung view ng isa’t isa, then you can work and compensate through any problem.

Why do you deserve to win?

This is a question I ask myself as well, something I’ve been asking for the past couple of months. I really want to do something to improve and help the batch toward positive changes. As a scholar, you have to do service and as early as possible I want to do that. For the batch, and for myself. I want to grow as a person, and I want to grow with the batch. Yung self-worth is something I have to develop din. Even some people think I could be worth the position, you know how like inside it’s still different within you. Iba pa rin yung confident you exude from the opinions for yourself. I think if I can prove myself to the batch, that I am worthy to be part of the council will help me din. It’s all about growing with each other and becoming your best self.

Vice President: Angeline Jumangit

Why did you select the position you are running for?

Last year when I was in the batch council, I was unsatisfied with my job description as the PRO. I wanted to do more, and then when [the SA] released the constitution, they said that the vice president would be the representative of the SA. One of our main problems last year was the communication with the SA, and it was one of the things that I wanted to take over — do it hands on myself. So, I ran for Vice President. I wanted to be able to do more myself, because last year [the SA] wanted to communicate with the president and the vice president, so that’s what I’m running for.

Given your position, how will you be able to address concerns of your fellow students?

My position, as I’ve said before, acts as the representative from the council. It allows me to voice out their opinions, suggestions and reactions to the BC and SC. And vice versa from the council to the people with our plans, projects and information. What I can do for them is to be their voice and in turn, inform and supply them with our thoughts and responses.

My position acts as a wall to lean on for our president, our batch, and our community.

If you were to choose one, which PISAY value (Patriotism, integrity, service, academic excellence, youth leadership) would you highlight in your position? Why?

I would highlight the importance of service. Service to my batch mates and to my community. My job would entail supporting the president and having an open mind so that I may listen to the voices of my fellow students. It would also be my duty to represent our batch in other groups in the campus as well. All of those, for me, would require a strong drive to serve because my position acts as a wall to lean on for our president, our batch, and our community. I cannot just solely do my “job description”. As the representative, I not only work for the people but also for the council to see what they need and desire.

Why do you deserve to win?

I deserve to win because I’m here. I’m running. I don’t see anyone else. A lot of people said that they wanted to run, but in the end they didn’t. And that’s what matters most. I took the first step and filed my candidacy and now I’m here. I think that’s the most important thing: that I have the initiative to run, and I have the courage to step up.

Secretary: Cailyn Ong

Why did you select the position you are running for?

One of the things I noticed since grade 7 and grade 8 [is] the batch council didn’t really inform the student body. Being the secretary I’m going to be able to take notes of everything; I’ll make the minutes of the meeting, I’ll be aware of all the information and of the things that are going on because I have to keep track of that. Since I am the secretary, I can inform the batch about the progress of our projects and how long it will take to fulfill these projects. There will be transparency basically between the batch council and the student body.

Given your position, how will you be able to address the concerns of your fellow students?

In line with the first question, since there’s transparency, I’ll be able to address their concerns about projects, and about the progress of everything because I have the records. I know what’s going on. In that way, I can address their concern.

What, to you, is the importance of your position?

The secretary makes sure that everything is on the right track. Everything is recorded, so we know what happens in the batch council. The secretary keeps the records of everything basically, so in that way, the secretary will make sure that everything is kept in order.

I have ideas that can help make the Pisay system and Pisay experience better.

Why do you deserve to win?

I have the initiative and I have the desire to serve the student body, and I have ideas that can help make the Pisay system and Pisay experience better. Also, I’m the only one running. Just like what Angeline said, I took that first step to run. That just shows that I have initiative and that I’m willing to do what the position asks of me and more.

Treasurer: Bertrand Diola

Why did you select the position you are running for?

Well first of all, It’s okay for me to join any position as long as I’m in the batch council, because I want to be able to help serve the people in my batch. Also, I was already [class] treasurer in grade 7, and most importantly, batch treasurer in grade 8. During last year as the batch treasurer, I didn’t actually hold that much funds because we weren’t able to make that many fundraiser projects. Most of the money went to the PTA. Most of the plans were decided by the PTA instead of the batch. So I also want to continue my job as the batch treasurer and handle the funds better.

Why do you think your fundraisers weren’t push through?

Last year we weren’t able to think that much of fundraiser projects, so this year we want to try to think of more, so that we won’t just rely on our parents, but the funds would rely on us.

Given your position, how will you be able to address the concerns of your fellow students?

Even if I’m treasurer or not, I would still be part of the batch council. I would still be in that position to be able to help serve our batch. As a batch treasurer, my main goal would be about handling funds, but as part of the batch council, I’m also there to hear and address the needs of the student body, especially of our batch.

Give an example of what was done in previous batches that you would have done differently.

First of all, it’s the transparency again. According to our batch mates, even though last year in the batch council we already planned lots of meetings and lots of canceled projects, but then it turned out, people didn’t know what was actually happening. There were projects suddenly popping out of nowhere, and it seemed that only one person was doing all the work, but the people didn’t see the effort of the other batch council members. Also, we already had lots of meetings, but they don’t know the progress of stuff, so they assumed that it was only during the event that only the person that they see is the person doing everything.

I don’t want us to waste our youth, especially since we are in Philippine Science High School.

Why do you deserve to win?

Because I have the drive and will to empathize and serve our batch mates. I don’t want us to waste our youth, especially since we are in Philippine Science High School. It’s not just science, but also high school. You only live once, and this is our only youth. Youth is a treasure that we should not be wasting, because it’s something given to us. This is the time when most of our skills develop, so I want to be able to address the needs of our batch mates and to be able to give them better youth and stay in Pisay.

Auditor: Kaira Gonzales

Why did you choose the position you are running for?

I was actually planning on running for treasurer or auditor since it’s more on the “behind the scenes” work, but since the party I’m in already has a treasurer, I chose to run for auditor instead.

Given your plan of action, how will you be able to work with your batch?

Our main goal is to hear our batch out. We aim to listen to their concerns and complaints and hopefully resolve them. We also want to know what they want so that we know what projects to create.

Given your position, how will you be able to address concerns of fellow students?

As an auditor, the best I could do is to budget our funds wisely in order to create more projects that will help the batch.

I listen to their complaints and work on them to improve.

What sets you apart as a student leader?

I’m not afraid to be judged and hated by other people. Instead, I use these to become better. I listen to their complaints and work on them to improve.



Jia Parma
The Science Scholar

Philippine Science High School // The Science Scholar