Thus Began The Journey of An Aspiring Science Writer…

Prachi Percy Sharma
The Science Writer
Published in
1 min readJan 14, 2020

Hello there. This is my first science blog, so to speak of. By qualification and research interest, I am a clinical pharmacist. By training, I am a pharmacist and a scientific editor.

Pharmacy graduates usually end up working in the pharma industry, especially in India, where prospects in research, academia, and hospitals are not very good. Most of my fellow students in the Pharmacy Practice Masters program ended up going into hardcore industry jobs.

I, on the other hand, have worked for the last 2.5 years as a medical writer and editor.

From there, the decision to go into science journalism and science writing followed as a natural next step.

Next month, I am flying to Australia to pursue a Masters in journalism.

And here, my journey as a science writer and journalist begins!



Prachi Percy Sharma
The Science Writer

Content developer, Author, Writer, Aspiring journalist, blogger, Researcher, Bookworm, Freelance Editor, Netflix addict. Reach me: