Jennifer Spencer
The Scoop
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2019


the scoop bike polo logo

The idea behind this publication is to create the kind of content that I want to read. I know, I know, sounds kinda self-indulgent but I’m so hungry for articles about bike polo, the kind of stuff that I can sink my teeth into, that makes me think and makes me laugh. I want to read about strategies for club growth, training ideas, gameplay analysis, advice for improving my game, you know, the stuff other sports have but for some reason we don’t, or don’t anymore.

When I first started playing bike polo, Lancaster Bike Polo had a great blog written by Crusher that I read ferociously. I read almost every post in the archives and waited impatiently for each new post. At the time, it was the only thing on the internet that had the kind of content I wanted, it wasn’t just another post lamenting that “bike polo was dead” it had good content a newbie could use to think about her game, interesting ideas about gameplay she could talk to her club mates about, things that got her thinking and made her fall in love with the sport even more.

I hope The Scoop will be that for both me and you.

While I don’t expect this publication to ever be as good as Crusher’s, The Scoop will post articles written bi-weekly and hopefully inspire new and experienced players to talk more about polo, play more, grow more and maybe have a good chuckle once in a while. Because at the end of the day, if we’re not having fun, we’re not doing it right.

