The Scoop: Vol 7. Instagram Stories; method cards

TMP Labs
The Scoop by TMP Worldwide
2 min readAug 3, 2016

“Instagram’s new stories are a near-perfect copy of Snapchat stories” is how The Verge referred to yesterday’s roll-out of Instagram’s new feature. Others weren’t so diplomatic with their choice of words. Either way, Instagram’s new Stories feature is a big evolution for the hugely popular photo sharing app. Instagram Stories is a secondary feed of ephemeral content that is available for only 24 hours from the time of posting, encouraging users to post more candidly and more frequently.

Speaking of stealing, I “borrowed” a great explanation of how Instagram Stories works from Techcrunch and copied their simple animated gif walk-through in abasic powerpoint template. (Downloadable PPT — 13.5MB) who’s “working to improve the lives of people in poor and vulnerable communities through design” has built a robust library of the methods they apply to make sure they’re putting the people their ideas serve at the center of the design process — often referred to as “Human-centered design”. Those very same methods are a brilliant way to think about everything from customer experience, to personalized messaging, to how companies work more effectively cross-department. And guess what? They made the whole library of those methods available for FREE. They focus on things like — “how do I conduct an interview”, “what tools can I use to understand people”, on down to “how do I know if my idea is working”. Another great tool to bookmark.

In what’s being considered a massive step towards closing the gender wage gap, Massachusetts became the first state to ban employers from asking candidates about wage history prior to making them a job offer. According to the New York Times, “The new law will require hiring managers to offer a compensation figure upfront — based on what the applicant’s worth is to the company, rather than on what he or she made at a previous position.”

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TMP Labs
The Scoop by TMP Worldwide

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