The Inspiration for Writing Batshit Crazy Characters and Nicolas Cage

Halil Akgündüz
The Screenwriting Journal
2 min readSep 19, 2018

One of my friends recommended this video to me after I said that I was going to watch Nicolas Cage’s new movie, Mandy — which is an awesome movie, by the way, go watch it.

Don’t you want to watch every movie mentioned in this video? Even though you know they are awful. I, for one, wanted to watch all of them. My friend said this to me too.

Of course its Nicolas Cage we’re talking about, and he’s a crazy talented guy. He can make any character interesting for us. But I sensed something deeper in this video, something inspirational for the writers.

The inspiration for writing the craziest characters you’re thinking, without rules, without boundaries. Create batshit crazy mofos. You can edit it later, but even while editing, stay true to your crazy side. Play a little, with the conventions, with the genres.

Go see Mandy! That’s another inspiration as well.

Listen what Taika Waititi is saying about the subject.

“We’re in a really cool place right now: Hollywood is running out of ideas,” Waititi said. “They are scrambling for ideas and stories.”

This guy has signed to direct Isaac Adamson’s Black List-topping script Bubbles Which is about Michael Jackson’s famous pet chimpanzee, alongside co-director Mark Gustafson. This guy knows something. So, listen to him.

And in the MasterClass video, you can clearly see he’s having a hard time with the topics about his past, and you can see how he deals with it such a playful way.

So, go be playful with your characters, your stories. Stick to your crazy side. You’ll never know what’ll come up at the end.

Okay, lets ride…

