7 incidents that changed mindsets in this lock down!

Fareha Kazi
The Scribble Squad
Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2020

If you’re still singing the blues about the lock down and its downsides then you’re not to be blamed. All far and wide consists of the bad news and effects of the novel corona virus leaving us bleak. However, we
have failed to notice other things that happened during lock down except Covid-19, which also changed our thought process and how our dogma and stereotypes broke free from our minds while we were still stuck within four walls.

1. Speaking against harassment and misogyny:


The Bois-locker room incident brought about rage among netizens. People had turned a blind eye on slut shaming women since ages. We heard echoing opinions that reached millions to not normalize any form of vulgar catcalling towards women. We could start speaking openly about how this had served as seeds to rape culture. People were being called out even for their minor inconsiderate actions and took responsibility for their words while addressing women, something that earlier we didn’t pay much attention to.

2. Loosening roots of racism:

Beata Zawrel/NurPhoto

Imagine not being able to Save your skins because of the color of your skin. Police Brutality towards George Floyd indicated that racism still exists across the board. This amplified the "Black lives matter" movement. People started realizing that hating someone’s dark actions is better than hating dark complexion. Not everyone, yet many cleared the smoke of stereotypes in front of their eyes to understand how wrong this had been all along.

3. You can help others without making noise about it:

Getty Images/iStockphoto

Try thinking about starving for days and finding something to eat at the cost of exposing your helplessness to the world. Seems disgusting right? When such pictures came out in which people were showing off their empathy, folks found it disgusting too. When you help others you need not bring cameras on their faces and embarrass them. Helping is about what you do and not about who saw you while doing it.

4. Is land protection greater than wildlife protection?

Explosives stuffed in food that killed an Elephant showed insensitivity of people when it came to animal abuse. Though their actions were justified in many ways and it had its controversial aspect too, people questioned if protecting land was more important than protecting animals. Lives of wild animals mattered equally, and they don’t deserve to die such a terrible death at any cost.

5. Doctors don’t really get the honor that they deserve:

Manners and respect have become scarce. The doctors and front-line workers made an oath to serve people. The same people who had the audacity to spit and pelt stones on them. We had seen that being a doctor as a noble profession, at times they’re addressed as Gods. We never thought that such inhuman behavior will be faced by the ones who serve humanity. Indeed, this lock down brought to our notice how underrated they have been until it was widespread.

6. Catching up with little things:

The lock down made sure that doing what was once cool and talking to those with whom we lost touch with is always an option. We get so busy in our livest hat we often forget to cherish our bonds with others
and overlook the little things that gave happiness, be it old friends or old games.

7. You’re not the only one who got suicidal thoughts at least once:

After Sushant Singh Rajput’s shocking suicide, people started expressing their grief while talking about mental health so conveniently. The fact that everyone was vocal about mental health made it evident that we all are battling our wars alone. In a country where people are not even comfortable sharing their physical health, explaining their abstract and agonizing emotions and approaching a shrink is still a stigma. However, this incident gave light and confidence about its complexity that such battles can be won and you’re not alone.

All in all, we have often felt unproductive and in need of constant change. Our body tossed in our shelters while our minds were in the clouds, but our ideologies haven’t stopped changing its tunes while reshaping and modifying persistently even in lockdown. Keep going!

