Why you should choose Apple Cider Vinegar

Anushree Warulkar
The Scribble Squad
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2020

Today, every person is loaded with work, ignoring appetite and health in the process. About prioritizing diet, we don’t consume even the mere minimum required by our bodies regularly. Even though we are the destroyers of our own health, we carry the solutions too. Till date, why does our old generation drink lukewarm water early in the morning with an empty stomach?

Diluted or Undiluted Apple Cider?

Apple Cider Vinegar is flavored vinegar. It is an aqueous solution of acetic acid, and gives the flavor of apple juice. Fermenting and crushing down the apples is followed by squeezing them into juice. Bacteria works to break down the sugars and yeast. It first transforms into alcohol and then into vinegar.

This mixture of vinegar contains 94% water, with 1% carbohydrates and 0% of fats and protein.

Some Nutritional Facts:

Amount per: 100 grams

Calories: 22

Protein: 0 gram

Energy: 90 kJ

Fats: 0 gram

There are other constituents measuring 0 micro-grams, like vitamins (E, C, B6, K, A) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorous).

This liquid is best known as an ancient folk remedy that relieves the body from various small ailments, as it reduces blood sugar level:

· Mix it with one glass of lukewarm water in the morning regularly, as it soothes an upset stomach.

· People with insulin resistance can also have a dose of this apple juice.

Some other remedies using Apple Cider Vinegar are:

1. Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure:

Consuming one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of water, twice a day to helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

2. Alleviates heavy menses:

A glass of it (mixed with 2 to 8 teaspoons water) in the morning reduces the flow of heavy periods.

3. Prevents gas:

Stop avoiding beans in your meal. Instead, soak them in apple cider vinegar before cooking, thus minimizing chances of gas.

4. Stops a bleeding nose:

Soak a cotton ball in pure apple vinegar. Have the person lay on their head and then place it in the bleeding nostril.

5. Controls your weight:

Being a source of acetic acid, it prevents from building of fat and certain liver fats. It also calms sore muscles.

Undiluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Now, undiluted apple cider vinegar is a completely and purely acidic form of white vinegar. It has more concentration of acid into it. While consuming this form of vinegar, there are a few side effects.

For example,

· Apple cider works as a hair clarifier, facial toner, and acne treater. So applying undiluted vinegar to the skin for long periods can lead to burning and irritation.

· It weakens the tooth enamel, a protective layer of the tooth, leading to toothache. This is due to tooth erosion, and decrease in the level of potassium.

· It can also interfere with ongoing medications as it is acidic in nature.

· Because of acidity, it might cause improper digestion.

· It can result in gastrointestinal problems by weakening nerves that break down the food in the stomach.

· It can also cause heartburn, bloating and nausea.

Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Solute and solvent are two parts of the solution, where the dissolved matter in any solution or mixture is known as the solute while the liquid or gas that dissolves another state of matter (solid, liquid or gas) is called as the solvent. For example- in a sugar-water solution,

· the solute is sugar

· the solvent is water

Similarly, when vinegar is added or mixed with any other solvent like water, honey, etc, it becomes less acidic and increases the pH level. This makes the drink healthy to consume. Diluted vinegar makes up 4% to 6% of the vinegar’s content in the solution.

Therefore, this liquid is more convenient to consume with food or with liquid to alleviate several diseases ranging from diabetes to high blood pressure. Well, this proves that the usage of vinegar in its diluted form is pretty healthy for our bodies.


As we have understood the main difference between diluted and undiluted apple cider vinegar, we can infer that diluted vinegar is more useful and healthy to consume, in better ways.

The diluted form decreases its acidic nature, whereas the undiluted one leads to an upset stomach. Diluted vinegar with lukewarm water has many advantages when consumed, but undiluted vinegar leads to gas problems.

Over-consumption of any food item is injurious to our health. So avoid consume excess of any form of vinegar.

Other uses of vinegar are in treatment of acne, healing wounds, etc.

Drinking diluted apple cider vinegar is very healthy as per the usage and the quantity instructed. Choose health, every morning!



Anushree Warulkar
The Scribble Squad

School Teacher by Profession I Freelance Content Writer I Calligraphy Artist I Micro-Blog. Dedicated to spreading the love of thoughts through words.