Story Points are not all that bad, but..

Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet
Published in
1 min readApr 12, 2024

Story Points are not all that bad, so long as your intent to have them at the foundation of all metrics and leverage them for forecasting work in the future.

Story Points — a complimentary practice to Scrum, can help the individuals and teams only in :

  • Create a shared understanding of the work lined up (again there are far better ways to accomplish this aspect)
  • Talk about time without explicitly talking about time (In short, Story Points is used to obfuscate time) Note: Story Points help practice deterministic forecasting in a complex work environment, which is not an ideal thing given the uncertainty involved.

Venturing with Story Points further into the forecasting space will do more damage than what you can envision.

What you can do instead?

  • When you want to forecast a single Product Backlog ItemLeverage Cycle Time Scatterplot and draw your risk profile.
  • When you want to forecast multiple Product Backlog ItemsLeverage Monte Carlo Simulation (with only Throughput as input for simulation) and draw your risk profile.



Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet

An avid learner and strong believer on humanizing work. A freelance writer and a sense maker with little exposure to Agile and Scrum