The more, the better?

Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet
Published in
Jun 17, 2024

Scrum Team’s Capacity is a planning indicator and definitely not a pre-requisite for your planning event.

Coming together at the beginning of a Sprint / beginning of a quarter to just fill the capacity, and leave the room with pride of work done well, is definitely not a great story to share.

Trust me, your capacity might also guide in crafting and committing to a meaningful Sprint Goal, but not THE input for you to draw informed decisions.

Again, the capacity attributed towards the goal is far less than the total capacity available.

To plan is not to fill the capacity or slot the Sprints ahead by effort — instead it is all about smelling risks and surface them through effective communication strategies with the Stakeholders.



Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet

An avid learner and strong believer on humanizing work. A freelance writer and a sense maker with little exposure to Agile and Scrum