This or that? | Definition of Ready (DoR)

Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet
Published in
May 7, 2024

There is this growing constant tension among few practitioners on whether Definition of Ready (DoR) is a complimentary practice to Scrum or Core to Scrum.

Let me tell you folks the good news after clarifying the source for DoR.

Definition of Ready is a complimentary practice and not core to the Scrum framework.

Now time for the good news, it literally doesnt matter from where you are borrowing this practice so long as Definition of Ready is employed to:

  • Help surface risks and assumptions while dealing with unknowns
  • Bring more clarity on accumulating waste (waste accumulated with deliberate handovers and big upfront discovery)
  • Enable flow of value through consistent delivery
  • Optimize for predictability with Just in Time and Just Enough approaches and
  • Bring clarity among the accountabilities within the Scrum Team.



Ravishankar R
The Scrum Outlet

An avid learner and strong believer on humanizing work. A freelance writer and a sense maker with little exposure to Agile and Scrum