Why I Think America Needs More Immigrant?

B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub
Published in
3 min readApr 3, 2023
United States of America Flag

The United States of America has been a nation of immigrants since its founding. The contributions of immigrants to the country are countless and immeasurable. They have built this nation from the ground up and have been the backbone of the country’s economy. Yet, there is a debate about the need for more immigrants in the United States. This article argues that America needs more immigrants for several reasons.

U.S Flag in the Bay.

First and foremost, immigrants bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the United States. America is a melting pot of cultures, and immigrants add to that diversity. They bring unique ideas, languages, and traditions that enrich the country’s culture. The more diverse a society is, the more innovative and creative it can be. According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, immigrants are responsible for a significant portion of innovation in the US economy.

Second, immigrants play a crucial role in the US economy. They are entrepreneurs, innovators, and job creators. Immigrants are more likely to start their own businesses than native-born Americans. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, immigrant-owned businesses employed over 8 million people and generated $1.3 trillion in sales in 2014. Immigrants also fill crucial roles in industries such as healthcare, agriculture, and hospitality, where there are labor shortages.

Third, immigrants contribute to the country’s social security and Medicare programs. According to a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, immigrants contribute more to these programs than they receive in benefits. The report also found that immigrants are more likely to have a positive fiscal impact than native-born Americans.

Fourth, immigrants are an essential part of the country’s demographic makeup. The United States has an aging population, and there is a need for younger workers to support the economy and the elderly. Immigrants help to fill that gap. According to the US Census Bureau, immigrants make up approximately 13.7% of the US population, and that number is projected to grow. Without immigrants, the country’s population would be in decline.

Finally, welcoming immigrants is a part of America’s moral responsibility. The United States has a long history of providing refuge to people fleeing persecution, violence, and oppression. It is a beacon of hope and a symbol of freedom to the world. By welcoming immigrants, the US lives up to its values and principles.

U.S Passport which you can enter 183 Countries without Visa.

In conclusion, America needs more immigrants for many reasons. They bring diversity, contribute to the economy, support the social security and Medicare programs, fill the demographic gap, and are a part of the country’s moral responsibility. The US must continue to welcome immigrants and provide opportunities for them to succeed.


Kerr, W. R. (2018). The Gift of Global Talent: How Migration Shapes Business, Economy & Society. Stanford University Press.

Orrenius, Pia, and Madeline Zavodny. “The economic impact of immigration.” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2018.

Guzman, G., & Jara, H. X. (2016). Immigrant entrepreneurship in America: Evidence from the survey of business owners 2007 & 2012. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy.

Center for American Progress. (2017). The Contributions of New Americans in Oregon.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2017). The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration. The National Academies Press.

US Census Bureau. (2019). Immigrant Population by State and County.



B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub

Just write what I like and my experiences as an SEA (SouthEast Asian) Gen-Z. Sometime Professional and sometime unProfessionals