You are my Yellow

B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2024

Six years have passed before the decision has made to move to the United States with your relatives, a distance of 13,345 kilometers away from here I am standing in.

This is not a mere verse not a poet but rather a letter to someone who significantly influenced my perspective, allowing me to see our world from a more enlightened angle. As I write these lines, you might be leisurely enjoying the refreshing morning air in Seattle or perhaps taking in the view of the Space Needle tower, or engrossed in your responsibilities — I have heard rumors of your employment in Redmond, in the downtown Seattle.

You…, yes you…but you? could you? can you lived with foreign people? would you back and settle your life’s back here again?

You, whom I never anticipated encountering at the most unexpected juncture. You are the catalyst behind these stolen smiles and carefree laughter. With your deep, mischievous dimples and subtle smile, your down-to-earth eyes perfectly complement your inquisitive gaze. Your voice, with its deep accent, stirs my heart. Your whimsical jokes, coupled with amusing anecdotes and cheesy, yet endearing one-liners, brighten my days.

It’s solely you, and the way you unveiled a profoundly poetic and compelling aspect of myself that I never knew existed. It has been a year, and I struggle to adequately convey the enchantment I feel since our meeting. When I contemplate my most cherished aspects of life, your name invariably surfaces first. When I listen to my favorite melody, it’s your voice I long to hear. When asked about my favorite color, it’s your sparkling eyes I wish to reveal. Even amidst the cool breeze upon my skin, it’s your warm breath I yearn for.

I have long held the belief that we are a mosaic of experiences, and every experience, in turn, shapes our existence. Thus, I earnestly hope and pray that by now, you understand that your presence transcends mere existence; it is a cherished, soothing balm for every soul touched by it — mine, especially. I hope you realize that every facet of your being permeates through every space you inhabit, every book you peruse, every surface you touch, and every word you utter. Though it may sound cliché, you are more significant than you realize.

Your entirety surpasses mere provision; it’s your willingness to give without expectation that truly elevates you. Your willingness to show up, even when it may be easier to withdraw, speaks volumes. Despite your best efforts to maintain a facade of strength, the universe has a peculiar way of unveiling the tender heart you endeavor to conceal.

see you. I hear you. I empathize with your sentiments. You have grown weary of hiding and running. I understand the apprehension our world instills, yet I implore you to take more risks, to reveal yourself and cling to the hope it perpetually demands. You have illuminated my world in ways I never fathomed, introducing me to perspectives and ideas previously unknown to me. You have taught me to confront fears I didn’t even realize I harbored, and for that, I am profoundly grateful. You deserve nothing but the best, and the same love you generously bestow upon others.

Thus, remember this: If today is not yet the day, I perpetually pray that it shall come to pass. Know that I will be overjoyed and grateful to wait and continue to beseech alongside you — forever, in all things. Someday, I’ll be there for you, I miss you.




B Prakusa
The SEA Youth Hub

Just write what I like and my experiences as an SEA (SouthEast Asian) Gen-Z. Sometime Professional and sometime unProfessionals