5 Glaring Signs Your Life Has Become Unmanageable

Courtney Stars
The Second Act
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018


The 12-steps are known world-wide for helping people with addictions get clean or sober. And while they sometimes get a bad rap, I think that a 12-step approach to life can help people who struggle with all sorts of problems. Even just the problem of being a person.

We all go through good times and bad times. For some of us, the bad times may be exacerbated by bouts with mental illness, addiction, or difficult circumstances. The question is, when is your bad spell no longer just a bad spell, but something that requires your serious attention?

For myself, there are a few signs that act as a wake-up call for me to see that things may be becoming unmanageable. In no particular order, let’s take a look.

You isolate

Some of us are introverts. Some of us are misanthropes. Some of us occasionally Google “How to be a recluse.” If you read this piece, you know I love me some alone time. But prolonged periods of isolation are not a good thing, especially if you’re dealing with mental health or addiction challenges.

Lately, I’ve been way more isolated than usual. I’ve had to force myself to get up and out a little bit more each day. I called my therapist for an…



Courtney Stars
The Second Act

39. Writer. Single mom. INFP. Almost a millennial. Not quite Gen X. Essays about books, writing, & being a human.