Can Relationships Without Sexual Attraction Work?

Love, attraction, and relationships

Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society


Photo by Thiago Rebouças on Unsplash

What if everything we thought about love and attraction is completely false? Before my friend let me in on his dilemma, I was convinced that attraction and love are closely linked. Then, while discussing our dating lives, he suddenly let me in on why he really left his girlfriend.

Although he genuinely loved her, he wasn’t attracted to her.

Until now, I have always thought that a relationship could not develop without attraction. I mean, what is the first information we get from a stranger we meet on a first date? Aren’t we prone to check out how someone looks and moves to assess whether we can imagine having a future with this person or not?

Since I have never been with anyone I didn’t feel a strong attraction to in my life, I wonder how many couples there are that genuinely love each other and have a fulfilling relationship despite seemingly not being attracted to each other.

How important is attraction anyway? And can a committed relationship work without it?

Obviously, physical and sexual attraction doesn’t necessarily lead to love. We might have had a fling or dated someone for a short while at some point in our life before realizing that it couldn’t or wouldn’t work…



Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.