Fascinating Traits of Truly Sexy People

Here’s why some people are more attractive than others.

Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society


Photo by Caique Nascimento on Unsplash

If I were to ask you what you find sexy in a person, what would you say? Do you like people with a deep voice? Are you into toned and fit people — or the contrary? When it comes to looks, most of us have a type. My type is tall, dark-haired men, preferably with a beard and dark eyes. However, there is more to who we find attractive than looks.

For example, I like being around people with a wicked sense of humor and an optimistic outlook on life, and I can laugh wholeheartedly. And if they are great at telling stories, I am intrigued, if not smitten. Honestly, in a world that often places a significant emphasis on physical attractiveness, isn’t it refreshing to discover that there are traits that make people truly sexy that have nothing to do with looks? To me, people who are truly happy with themselves have a way about them that makes them truly sexy. But how can some people achieve this aura or type of charisma while others don’t? And what are the qualities of truly sexy people?

Who is truly sexy?

Of course, it’s always in the eye of the beholder. What I find great, someone else might not find nearly as great. But there are a few things that all sexy people have in common. For example, they seem…



Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.