How Important Are Opinions of Friends When It Comes to New Love?

What to say, when to say it and what to omit

Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society


Photo by Zen Chung from Pexels.

How do you tell your friends about your new boyfriend? What is the first information you give out? And how long do you wait before telling your girlfriends about a new acquaintance?

I’ve always had a bit of a hard time being honest with my girlfriends about talking to my friends about my male acquaintances. To some extent, it was because I was afraid that the relationship might not pan out and that I’d be single again. However, lately, I have unearthed another reason why I might not have been as forthcoming as my friends would have wished: I don’t really know what to tell them.

The bottom line is this: we want their approval, and we’re wondering what the most optimal way to pitch them our new crush is. So, who has the answer to the most daunting questions surrounding new love: How do you break the news to your friends, when is it time, and what information might not be necessary after all? Because one thing is certain: we need the confirmation of our environment when it comes to relationships.

Why we need approval from our friends and family

Although we don’t like to admit it, we must acknowledge that what our friends say about…



Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.