Recently Sober? Try These Mood-Boosting Hacks!

Jesse Munro
The Secret Society
Published in
8 min readMay 12, 2021


How to spruce up your mood with soulful self-care

Bah humbug! That used to be me first thing in the morning. Let’s get real; some mornings are harder to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed than others.

Thanks Unsplash for this one

And for me, it became even harder when I decided to quit drinking, tussle with my anxiety disorder, and start writing full time. It’s like my mood did an about-turn, stared me hard in the eyes and said what the…

Now, several years later, after an epic battle with my mood and anxiety, I find myself starting each day “annoyingly chipper” — at least that’s how my partner describes it (grin). But, I am happy and so is mood — so sue me! The big question is, how did I go from cranky to “chipper,” and how do I manage to maintain this lifestyle (note, I did not say façade, because it is not one) every day?

Just yesterday, a trusted friend approached me to talk about her mood. She mentioned that she starts the day on an average “tone”, and it just gets worse from there. She wanted to know what my secret to being so bubbly and happy all the time was. The truth is, there is no secret. I distinctly remember her saying, “Is there something I can take? What do you take?”

No, I do not pop pills and take potions. Although if your healthcare provider has prescribed you some, I am…



Jesse Munro
The Secret Society

Author of “The Art of Sober Self-Care.” People appreciator, counselor, liver of life, and self-care expert.