Sex Isn’t as Important as Many Think, Here Is Why

Things therapists consider more important

Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society


Photo by Mizuno K:

For many, sex is an important part of their relationship. For others, sex isn’t all that important. No matter who you ask, ultimately, sex and relationships belong together. Therefore, for most people, these two are inextricably linked. But why is that?

For some, sex is a way of showing affection.

Put differently, those who love each other have sex, and those who have sex love each other. Most of the time, anyway. Sure, there’s the possibility of a one-night stand or a friendship plus. Although the latter mostly leads to a committed relationship. But I digress.

No sex doesn’t mean a bond is under threat.

Basically, there are two forms of sexless relationships. Firstly, there are relationships that, from the start, develop without sex being even a topic. Although quite rare, there are people who are not interested in sex and don’t think it’s important.

For example, asexual people live completely without sexual desire — British researchers estimate that this affects just under one percent of the population. Affected people do not find sex arousing, sometimes even disgusting. However, if two people learn to love each other without any…



Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.