Why Human Attraction Is More Complex Than You’d Like to Think

Why we want who we want (and why looks are important)

Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society


Photo by Ana Paula Lima from Pexels.

Sometimes, attraction is a disappointing no-show. How many times has it happened to you that you’ve been insanely looking forward to meeting someone, only to find that there’s no attraction?

You’re floored — disappointed that the great text message exchanges and long phone calls didn’t translate into a great new love story in real life. Just think of all the great phone calls and shared laughs going nowhere. However, the opposite just happens as well.

Today, my boyfriend and I joke that we’re glad that we didn’t talk on the phone prior to meeting up. Because in all honesty, we’re not compatible phone conversationalists — we tend to drift off and think of our to-do lists instead of keeping the conversation going. To top it off, our text messages before meeting for the first time hardly make for Pulitzer content.

When I first saw him, the attraction was simply there. Our first date was super, and we hit it off right away. We had such a great time that we haven’t stopped dating ever since. That’s why I keep thinking that we can do so little about who we find attractive. But is this true?



Phoebe Kirke
The Secret Society

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.