Go to The Self-Improvement Journal
The Self-Improvement Journal
We all seek improvement, whether this be in wealth, influence or happiness. We all yearn for it (to be a better person than we already are). To improve you must know but without theory, you lack action. I seek to remedy this πŸ’ͺ. Want to improve? Then hit that follow button 🌟.
Note from the editor

We all seek improvement, whether this be in wealth, influence or happiness. We all yearn for it (to be a better person than we already are). To improve you must know but without theory, you lack action. I seek to remedy this πŸ’ͺ. Want to improve? Then hit that follow button 🌟.

Go to the profile of J. A. Stevens
J. A. Stevens
The Self-Improvement Series πŸ’ͺ🌟🧠: https://medium.com/@J.Stevens/list/selfimprovement-afdaf1fa23ec