Bumps In The Night

Sal Villarreal
The Secular Latino Alliance
2 min readJun 21, 2016


"What was that?", you ask yourself as you jump up out of your chair. You crane your neck towards the ceiling and listen, trying to hear past the sound of your own heavy breathing.


You slowly walk towards the stairs, your heart pounding in your ears. You listen again, hoping not to hear the noise again so that you can return to the comfort of your book.


As you start to ascend the stairs, several thoughts run through your mind. Is someone in the house? What am I going to do?


You stand in the hall, listening, holding your breath as you await the inevitable...


It's coming from the room at the end of the hallway. As you make your way to the door, your heart pounds harder and harder.


You throw open the door. The wind is howling outside the open window, curtains soaked, whipping about.


Behind you this time. You turn around to see the closet door slowly opening. Your heart leaps into your throat. Wider, wider, you watch with terror in your eyes.


The door slams shut, never opening wide enough to see inside. Your fear takes over as you prepare to run for the door. Opening again...


You're frozen in fear, unable to compel your feet to move. Your heart is leaping frantically in your chest.


And then you stop; your fear subsides. As you watch the door slowly open again, you finally understand what's going on.


You turn toward the window, the curtains whipping about like serpents from Hell. As the wind howls, you reach out your hand...


And close the window. The curtains fall to the sides, all life drained out of them. You turn to look at the closet door and. . . nothing.

It was just the wind.

You realize just how easy it is to get caught up in the moment, to fool yourself into thinking that more is going on.

You smile to yourself, feeling foolish about letting your imagination run wild. You exit the room, go downstairs, and get back to your book.

You're a skeptic. You looked for the evidence.

Good for you.



Sal Villarreal
The Secular Latino Alliance

Founding member of The Secular Latino Alliance. “I think Latinos need to know that it’s okay to not believe.”