What is a pitch deck ?

Flore Sauloup
The Seed Newsletter
2 min readMay 9, 2021
Photo by Teemu Paananen on Unsplash

A pitch deck is a short Powerpoint presentation of your startup. Its goal is to convince potential investors to fund your venture. It should tell them the story of the company, and include all the information they need to place a bet on you.

📝 What to include in a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is shorter than a business plan (which we will discuss in detail in a future newsletter) and should provide only the crucial information about your startup. It focuses on the idea, the problem it solves and the team that is in charge of the project.

The pitch deck in general includes these sections (which may vary depending on the investor or competition terms)

  • Title
  • Summary: Explain in 2 or 3 sentences what your company does
  • The identified problem: Tell a story about the problem your company is addressing.
  • The solution: Present how your solution is innovative to answer the problem.
  • The business model: Explain how you will make money
  • Market/Opportunities: Describe how your business has potential by analyzing the current market.
  • Customer acquisition: Who are your customers, and how will you attract them?
  • Competition: Highlight your company’s competitive advantages.
  • The team: Present how your team skillset will lead to the company’s success.
  • The ask: What you expect from investors.

💡 Where can I find inspiration?

I’m glad you asked! Here are some examples of well-known pitch decks such as Intercom, YouTube or LinkedIn!

That’s it for today… if you’re still hungry for cool tech stuff, we invite you to check out our weekly newsletter “The Seed”. It provides easy-to-read content focusing on Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology.

