5 Steps to Achieving Quality Excellence

The SEEK Blog
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2018

Before we begin to strategise on the ways to improve quality excellence, let’s first understand what these very words connote. At first glance, quality and excellence seem like two distinct concepts. When we speak of quality, we refer to the need to meet external demands and to adhere to certain specifications. Quality implies a certain level of success in meeting the requirements of the customer and creating products that fulfil a certain standard. Excellence, on the other hand, implies an internal drive to be the best. To offer the best services or experiences to your customers and to come out on top. When we speak of Quality Excellence as a concept then, we refer to a means to an end — the ways in which we get our employees to walk that extra mile and guide our people along the correct path towards excellence.

Once employees are motivated to perform and produce quality products, and a work culture of constant improvement is instilled, excellence is never far behind.

How does one achieve quality excellence?

However, achieving quality excellence is easier said than done. There are several ways in which management can align the business goals of the company with their employees’ drive and motivation. Let us explore the top five ways.

1. A Strategic Quality Planning Team

Before anything else, the organisation needs to assemble a team of quality professionals who will help develop a strategic quality plan. In the quest to improve quality, moving aimlessly from workshops or employee training sessions can do more harm than good. A carefully selected team of employees can pinpoint areas of weaknesses and strengths in a company and create a day to day quality management plan. It is important to point out here that members of this planning team should be culled from all departments including top management to floor personnel. It is only by doing this that one can create a holistic approach and discover the best customised solutions.

2. Time to Set Expectations

Quality cannot be achieved unless the very concept is defined. Every one of your employees should be made aware of what the organisation’s core values are. Clearly demarcated goals and acceptable standards have to be disseminated and maintained at all times. That said, this does not mean individual effort and creativity is hindered. Rather, an open environment that offers an even playing field and transparency is what makes all the difference.

3. Identifying Past Mistakes

For a quality excellence plan to be successful, an in-depth study of the organisation’s past is a must. The team must spend time analysing and discussing what methods have been used before, how successful these initiatives have been, and what factors have contributed to their failures. Narrowing down the field in this way will help determine the correct methodology to use — be it personal accountability or proactive group training. When we speak of learning from past mistakes, we refer to an detailed analysis of data and information. Tools such as online surveys, employee feedback, anonymous reviews and the honest interpretation of this information can help future growth and contribute to a more accurate anticipation of revenue.

4. Changing the mindset of the employees

One surefire way to improve quality is to change the way your employees think. An “us vs. them” mindset will never result in transparency and accountability amongst the workforce. A steady and honest dialogue between management and employees is necessary to create an environment of acceptance and a common goal of excellence. Such an open environment will also help bring to the forefront any inconsistencies in the system. Employee input is invaluable and essential in providing the insight required to address concerns and meet opportunities head on. Another important factor in employee relations is the celebration of victories. This is as, if not more, important than criticism and correction. Studies show that people flourish in an atmosphere of positivity and when customer feedback is positive, the people concerned must be recognised for their efforts as well as rewarded. Managers who highlight such achievements and companies that cultivate such a quality-minded culture are well on their way to excellence.

5. Understanding the Customer

When a product meets customer demands it implies a certain level of quality. But to meet these demands, it is important to first understand the customer — what motivates them, what are their priorities and needs and what concerns can be addressed by the company. This type of investigation and collation of data will result in competitive positioning and quality service and delivery. The higher the customer satisfaction, the greater the customer retention. When a customer is more than satisfied with his experience with your organisation, you can be sure that not only will he keep coming back but he will also refer your business to other people. This will give you that much needed competitive edge and determine the quality excellence of your company.

In a bid to improve Quality Excellence in the pharma industry and beyond, apps such as SEEK along with its Pharma focussed tool SEEKPro — herald the dawn of a new era in good manufacturing practices. Using something as simple and ubiquitous as a mobile phone, the app can offer clients an unmatched and unprecedented connection to their workforce, while simultaneously creating a work culture that encourages and even rewards quality excellence. To learn more about how we use technology, science and data to help organisations create a culture of Quality Excellence, visit our website and schedule a demo with us.

