Case Study 4 — How SEEK Can Help Motivate and Engage Teams

The SEEK Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018

Recently, a pharmaceutical company ranked among the top 5 in India was in the news for its success in the field of developing and marketing affordable and high quality drugs across the world. When asked about what contributed to its ability to stay steady in an industry fraught with challenges and ever increasing targets, the management was unanimous in their answer. There was no doubt that improved and increased communication across their teams was the main contributor towards their positive reputation. But to attribute an upturn in finances towards “better communication” is only the tip of the corporate iceberg. Digging deeper into this company’s policies and strategies indicated a much larger long term plan at work. Let’s have a look and see what makes certain businesses stand out in their field and what they do to motivate and engage their teams towards a common goal of excellence.

A happy corporate culture

The success of any company can be traced back to its corporate culture. If your employees are happy to come to work and happy at work, then half your battle is won. Now this does not imply all fun and games (difficult in the pharmaceutical world we know) but rather creating a work environment that is supportive and encouraging rather than restrictive and demanding. Building a culture that emphasises learning and development is also essential to staff feeling valued and invested in.

Make learning personal

One of the best ways to motivate your staff and involve them in the goals of your business is to train them and provide them with purposeful work. Personalised training programs with individualised goals and targets help keep teams on track to work towards a common goal. Using your knowledge of personal skill sets and strengths through the use of the correct LMS can help tailor training towards employee preferences while working within the larger context of your company’s goals. Combined with gamification, staff can be rewarded with points and badges, facilitating healthy competition and improving their knowledge and skills along the way.

Empower your employees

This implies a high level of trust in your employees. While this may be easier said than done, it’s imperative to give your staff the autonomy they require to develop their skills and accept responsibility for their own work. Another implication of empowerment involves encouraging all team members to keep a close eye on compliance measures and providing them with ways to whistle blow with confidence and no fear of repercussions. The ability to call out people who are not performing up to standards is imperative for any company striving towards overall excellence.

Building teamwork

When a majority of your staff are on the road and sales teams are scattered all over the country, it can be a challenge to create connections throughout the organisation and across all levels. The closer the connect between your teams, the better the productivity and employee satisfaction. One way to do this is choose from the various apps available in the market that allow employees to chat online. Any tool that provides a platform to increase communications and encourage collaboration has to be high on management’s priority list.

Work Anytime, Anywhere

Sometimes it’s necessary to work outside office hours. While no one likes to do so, there are ways to make such situations more palatable. Cue the mobile app. Mobile applications now provide an easy way for employees to stay connected to other team members as well as access files and documents from the comfort of their own home. Reports indicate an almost immediate surge in productivity and collaborative efforts in companies where such applications have been introduced.

The bottom line is therefore choosing the correct technology to help your staff get connected and stay motivated. Here’s where a platform like SEEK comes in. SEEK can provide instant responses from a large field force. Bulk messages could be sent in an instant updating all concerned with news about stock arrival and the latest products. Sales staff achievements can be highlighted on a regular basis to increase motivation and provide the right amount of support and encouragement. The employees on the field can also use this technology to send their questions and enquiries and receive instant solutions while on the road. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that all this leads to a reduction in communication cost and time and well as a significant decrease in overall sales expenses — golden words for any business to hear.

To learn more about how SEEK uses technology, science and data to help organisations create a culture of Quality Excellence, visit our website and schedule a demo with us.

