Embark on an Interactive RPG Adventure: Join This Epic Webcomic Campaign!

Join online adventures with other readers in an interactive RPG webcomic.

Welcome, adventurer! To the journey of a lifetime.

My lifetime, to be precise. Or should I say, ours?

I’m Jaz, a high fantasy action & romance writer who is about to embark on an epic world-building journey. One that I’d like to invite you to be a part of.

I’ll explain.

Have you ever heard of a choose-your-own adventure book? You read along for a while until eventually you‘re presented with a number of options for how you’d like to move forward. You jump to the page that your choice states and you continue on to read the version of the story you’ve chosen.

This is pretty much like that, with a twist.

Instead of a predetermined outcome, this interactive storytelling will immediately shape its coming moments and events.

Similarly to participating as a player in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, where your actions directly influence the world you around, you will follow alongside my main protagonist, Buffy, as she explores, discovers, and intermingles with the rich life and history of this world.

