Reliving A Common Experience

Common is coming to town on August 21st, and here are a few reasons you should attend.

Claudia Rivas
The Seen Magazine
4 min readAug 18, 2017


Photography by Roderick Cooney

You might have seen “Imagine Justice” advertised on billboards, publicized on posters, and mentioned in about every media outlet around Sacramento within the last few months. It’s practically impossible to scroll down your news feeds without seeing an advertisement for artist Common’s free concert at the Capitol Mall, August 21. But what you may not know, is that he was actually here a few months ago for a private Unseen Heroes event right in the center of downtown Sac.

In May, Common performed at the California Youth Democrats’ #Resistance Street Party with Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom produced by yours truly.

If you were wondering how powerful and moving Common will be at “Imagine Justice,” here are some reactions from our May event that will give you a sliver of the Common experience:

Doug Cupid — Photographer

Photography by Doug Cupid

“For me, a lover of all things relating to Hip Hop culture, seeing Common perform at the #Resistance event was extraordinary. It’s difficult to have an artist that is both socially conscious and relevant. Far too often they [artists] keep their social views private for fear of marginalizing their audience. This was definitely not the case with Common and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I had to document such talent in the city I am proud to call my new home. Sacramento is one of the most ethnically and financially diverse cities I have ever lived in. To watch so many people come together for one cause, and to be united through the music was truly powerful.”

Paul Willis — Spoken Word Poet

“I was invited to perform with some youth poets over an African drum circle. When security cleared the entire alley of people I was hanging with the drummers, then a black SUV pulled up. No one saw Common as he slid out of the building’s side door behind us. He was checking out the activist art in the alleyway and walked up to me. He gives me a fist bump and greets the drummers. Common wants to discuss Sacramento’s neighborhoods and asks us where people are from. He even took a photo with us! He became even more legendary as I witnessed him freestyling about our conversation, while shouting out Oak Park, South Sac, and Meadowview. It was an incredible experience– performing, meeting one of my rap idols and seeing him live.”

Daniella Robbins — Audience Member

“Common is the true definition of how music can change the world. He is a figure of importance beyond celebrity, and represents what I would want of future leaders and society: honesty, longevity, adaptability and common sense to do the right thing. As a non-US citizen I was moved that night. I was made to feel part of something that would mark itself as the right energy next in line. Resistance is a global affair and I will continue to stand for equality.”

Dominic Odbert — BoomCase Co-Founder

“Over the years a lot of celebrities have gotten/purchased BoomCases and while we often hear stories about them using it, it’s not often that we get to see them actually put it to use. So it was awesome to see Common getting down to some classics on his BoomCase.”

“Imagine Justice” will be at the heart of Sacramento’s Capitol Mall, on August 21. The free concert aims to raise awareness in California for the need of youth mass incarceration reform. To see how Common continues to amplify and move audiences with his voice, hopefully you registered, you won’t want to miss this historic sold out event. For more information visit:



Claudia Rivas
The Seen Magazine

Writer, traveler and punny person with a hardcore enthusiasm for music. This Bay Area native enjoys being creative at all times and loves calling Sactown home!