All It Takes is That One Text Message To Change Everything. . .

Steven Tyler
The Self Hack
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2022

Photo Credit: Conscious Design | Unsplash

Why Text Messages Can and Will Destroy Something In Your Life At Some Point

I’m finding it harder than I expected to express what I want to in this article. I keep getting this feeling that the words I’m putting down on paper, (or in this case - on a screen), just can’t portray the depth of what I’m trying to.

So, that being said, the only way I can think of to describe the point of this article so that most people will understand — assuming they were born in the year 1985 or up — is as follows.


I hope it makes sense to you and that you enjoy it. More important, I truly want people to take what I’m about to discuss seriously. It’s a real issue that real people deal with on a daily basis.

First off: No offense meant for the 1984 and below club

In fact, once you read the example I’m going to use shortly, you’ll see that it’s more a compliment than anything else.

Anyhow, how many of you. . .

Have you ever tried to have a serious conversation via text messages?

Sometimes it doesn’t even have to be a serious topic, it can just be everyday small talk.

If you have, then it’s extremely likely that you already know it’s a bad idea.

You see, the issue with text messages is that they essentially are taken in two forms of context.

Give or take — But, in genera, these two categories will fit the bill good enough for this article at least.

Feel free to expand upon my thoughts and ideas!

Two pickles we as the “texting generation" seem to find ourselves in

It all comes down to your of the situation perception and how individual people perceive things.

The smallest thing can change the entire meaning of a text message, making it sound completely different than you intended, and it all depends on how the person who reads the text perceives the meaning.

That fuc#in sucks, huh?

You ever text a friend to ask them if they can come and pick you up somewhere because you got stuck?

You’ll got one of these two for a response:

1.) Yeah

2.) Yes

Those are two very powerful words!

If overthinking everything happens to be your superpower like mine, then you know exactly what I mean without further explanation.

For all you normal folks out there, let me bring you up to speed.

To me, this wouldn’t have been a simple answer to my question. I’d like to see more words in the reply to better gauge the situation.

Perhaps: “Yeah, I got you bro.” or “Yeah, I can do that.

Yet, even with more words, it still can be disconcerting. For example, if they had said, “Yes, where are you?

I would probably take that as a sign of irritation.


There’s nothing wrong with using proper grammar in text messages — My Dad does it all the time!

Eventually, I had to realize the technological age difference between us.

He uses auto-correct for everything.

If I got #1 as a response then I’d think everything was okay.

But, if instead I got #2 as a reply, well, then I’d assume they were upset with me. . .

I’d think of a million reasons why.

Things like being irritated for having to drive all that way just to pick me up.

I’m a burden, remember?

Crazy, I know, yet still true.

In Conclusion

It’s all about tone of voice and individual perception. Period!

Saying yeah is a more laid-back way to reply.

Less formal yes.

But, it shows that you are willing, or dare I say, happy, to do this favor for the person asking.

Yes is usually the way someone will respond when they’re upset.

It’s a low key way of using a little force in their tone, but in a way that doesn’t actually come off as rude.

I guess you could say it’s the passive aggressive way of answering a friend that you know your have to say yes to, but you want them to understand that it is an inconvenience to you — even in that smallest of ways.

So, people…

Please! Be conscious of the words you choose in your next text message to a friend in need.

To a spouse who forgot something on the grocery store run and is asking you to pick up some milk and butter and. . .

When all you wanted to do was go get some fuc#in chips and dip!

Thanks for reading!

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Steven Tyler
The Self Hack

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