Steven Tyler
The Self Hack
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2021


Great article!

It’s unfortunate that more people don’t take time to stop and think of these things and their potential effects on us and our environment.

What’s even more unfortunate, are those who grow up in massive metropolitan areas, virtually spending their entire lives there because they lack the financial means to travel and see other places — to experience what it’s like to be in nature; with true silence.

I’m a transplant. . .

I grew up in rural Pennsylvania, (closer to the West Virginia border than the nearest big city, Pittsburg, for those familiar with Pa), but now I live in Los Angeles, Ca.

As anybody who has lived, grew up, or visited here can tell you, even in the remote-ish areas — Malibu, Pacific Palisades, or even the Chatsworth area of the valley — you can’t escape the noise.

Hell, I wish I could simply see the stars at night again when I look up. . .

You’re 100% right, and the worst part is that I’ve never thought about these things, (at least not in the way you made me consider them), before.


So thank you!

P.S. You should write more! I don’t know you and perhaps you don’t have the time or there’s another reason, but I love your writing and it feels like the world would be missing out on a lot of good if you didn’t write more. . .

Perhaps I’m just selfish and want to read more of your work — Who knows?

But we can all agree that you are the shit and I hope to see more of your stories in my daily homepage feed.



Steven Tyler
The Self Hack

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