Reclaiming Our Original Giftedness

John Jantsch
The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur
2 min readMar 30, 2019

Human character evermore publishes itself. The most fugitive deed and word, the mere air of doing a thing, the intimated purpose, expresses character. If you act you show character; if you sit still, if you sleep, you show it.

Ralph Waldo Emerson — Spiritual Laws (1841)

Emerson’s concept of spirituality was based largely on the idea that we must follow our own unique and original path no matter how hard society pushes back. That our character evermore publishes itself no matter, but our true character shines through only as we reclaim our original self.

But here’s the problem — our self-reliance is something we have to fight for, overcome for, and regain as part of our original self and that often runs counter to what we’ve been told most of our life.

Parker Palmer, the author of Let Your Life Speak, describes that fight this way, “We are disabused of original giftedness in the first half of our life. Then — if we are awake, aware, and able to admit our loss — we spend the second half of life trying to recover and reclaim the gift we once possessed.

Trying to be what we are not robs us of becoming who we might be.

Today reclaim some part of your original giftedness.

Challenge Question: What was the best non-holiday, non special event day of your life? Why?



John Jantsch
The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur

Small business marketing consultant, speaker, and author of Duct Tape Marketing and the Referral Engine. The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur is due out Oct 2019.