Deep dive into JSON-LD IRI IDs in TerminusDB

Philippe Höij
The Semantic Data Practitioner
7 min readSep 17, 2023


TerminusDB is an RDF triple store for JSON-LD documents with a closed world approach and a strong schema.

RDF, the Resource Description Framework, is a foundational part of the Semantic Web, which organises contents as triples: subject, predicates and object, information and relationships between identifiers, often about real-world phenomena.

TerminusDB for content

What this RDF engine does beautifully is to provide a bridge between triples and the organisation of them into JSON-LD documents through its enterprise-oriented reference dat model.

TerminusDB and it’s robust datalog query engine is built with Rust and Prolog, offering a unique blend of performance and sophistication.

All content comes with IDs

To work effectively with RDF in TerminusDB, you need to master it’s way of constructing and using Internationalized Uniform Resource Identifiers, IRIs, for addressing content and triples.

You can view these IRIs as unique identifiers for specific JSON-LD documents (a specific JSON format for Linked Data), and for addressing layered parts of these documents, called subdocuments.

The TerminusDB schema checking engine offers a schema language to control each…



Philippe Höij
The Semantic Data Practitioner

Passion for the intersection between organisational development, digital infrastructure, computer code and sustainability. Inspiration based sharing.