Losing My Religion: My Path Away From Mormonism

David Butterworth
The Sensible Soapbox
5 min readAug 6, 2018


Married in the Salt Lake City Temple

I was born and raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as the LDS church or just ‘Mormons.’ I was a believing, practicing member for the better part of 25 years. Three years ago, I made the difficult decision to leave. This did not happen overnight, and it was not an easy choice. This is my story.

My family was loving and very active in the LDS Church. We went to church every week, virtually without exception. All told I doubt I missed church more than a dozen times during my upbringing. As a family, we read scriptures and prayed regularly. It was never really a question; God existed, prayer was real, and the Church was true.

Naturally, when I was old enough, I served a two year mission for the Church. I was sent to west Texas. While there, I spent nearly every waking moment studying, preaching, and spreading the gospel as I understood it. Soon after returning home I met Cami and we were married in the Salt Lake City Temple. Both strong believers, both committed to the church.

This was a wonderful time in my life, but it was also stressful. My wife and I got married on a three day weekend while I was working full-time and going to school. I remember having my first full blown panic attack trying to catch up after the wedding. It was then that I discovered that, in addition…

