Welcome to The Sensitive Armadillo

Dave Wheelroute
The Sensitive Armadillo
2 min readJan 29, 2017

“A great artist can make anyone…with the sensitivity of an armadillo.” — Robert A. Heinlein.

These days, the chaos consuming the world progresses at such a high speed that I find it impossible to collect my thoughts about one issue before another, equally pressing matter would replace it. I looked to a lot of my role models and saw that they seemed to be handling and discussing the barrage of daily news fairly well and I became deeply envious. Until I realized, however, that they were able to handle it all because they put it through a lens they excelled at and understood. I knew I needed to do the same thing.

Quicker than I came to this conclusion, I was able to realize what else it was that I was passionate about: pop culture. From there, the idea growing in my head reached adulthood almost as fast as Donald Trump thinks to scream, “Fake news!” when he doesn’t know what the answer to a question is.

Every Sunday, I am going to select a theme or discussion topic and apply it to an urgent matter that was in the news frequently the past seven days and to an artistic achievement that, hopefully, is appreciated by as many people as possible. Music, literature, art, movies, television, you name it and I’m open to including it as a form that can be surprisingly applicable to the current political climate.

This coming week, I will pepper the website with different resources and further explanations of what my plan is for The Sensitive Armadillo. Next Sunday, I will be looking at the current refugee crisis through the theme of altruism and the opening scene of Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.

I hope that, as this will aid me in collecting my thoughts and articulating my feelings about everything that is happening in the world and in this country, it will provide some sort of assistance for any people who decide that they would like to read it. Even if that’s just my parents.

Dave Mello



Dave Wheelroute
The Sensitive Armadillo

Writer of Saoirse Ronan Deserves an Oscar & The Television Project: 100 Favorite Shows. I also wrote a book entitled Paradigms as a Second Language!