The serial-cycling diet: day 19

Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet
2 min readJun 24, 2017

Breakfast: raw cashews, black covfefe.

Lunch: lettuce, white rice, pepper and onion, mild, medium, corn, guacamole.

I wasn’t even that hungry when I ate this unappetizing thing.

Weightlifting: 3 x 5 x 270lbs squat, and finally broke my 3 x 5 x 102lbs shoulder press barrier.

Excuse me.

Dinner: a big fat vegetable pasta at Luciano’s with lots of olive oil, salt, and pepper, and a glass of white wine. Watermelon, raw cashews, and more white wine for dessert. Yes, I know, I need to diversify my portfolio of low-level toxins a bit more.

No ketchup with my pasta, please.

Commentary: got into two different Twitter fights (again) with Saifedean Ammous (one about why Bitcoin people are into all-meat diets, and another about artificial intelligence). That guy keeps me young.

Friday night Twitter fight.



Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet

Amateur computer scientist, RWRI alumnus & instructor, physical culturist.