The serial-cycling diet: day 29

Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet
2 min readJul 4, 2017

Weightlifting: 1 x 5 x 275lbs deadlift. (Again — forgot to increase properly after last warmup set, thanks to hurrying about.) Followed by a successful thesis defense right after.

Lunch: went to a vegetarian restaurant to celebrate the happy occasion. Had some damned “pepper steak”, whatever that ghastly abomination was.

Between lunch and dinner: My mother remixed lunch into something much more edible.

Dinner: Madras mixture, leftover Singapore-style mei fun from lunch. Clearly, this is no way to celebrate. I await the day after tomorrow. Whiskey helped.

Commentary: Thanks to all my well-wishers!

Twitter is great.



Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet

Amateur computer scientist, RWRI alumnus & instructor, physical culturist.