The serial-cycling diet: day 45

Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet
1 min readJul 20, 2017

Lunch: home-cooked fried chicken.

Weightlifting: after >2 weeks of not lifting, today was not so good, especially because I didn’t feel up to it, having walked about so much in the heat. Anyway, squatted 3 x 5 x 275 lbs, but the depth was not good enough. Tried to shoulder press 102 lbs, but it wasn’t so hot either. Anyway, I’ll just have to drop the weights, as much as I hate to do that, and slowly build it up back again, fixing my form along the way.

Dinner: lots of home-cooked fish and lamb.



Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet

Amateur computer scientist, RWRI alumnus & instructor, physical culturist.