The serial-cycling diet: day 55

Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet
2 min readJul 30, 2017

Brunch: four eggs, like a champ.

Well, rumours are that legendary lifters eat, like, 70 eggs a day.

Weightlifting: first, you should know that I literally went out of my way to deadlift for the Internet. I went to my usual gym first, but it closed earlier than I realized. I blame this on printing Saifedean Ammous’s book. So, I could have called it a day, gone back home, and tried again the next day. But that’s not what I did.

I then borrowed a friend’s gym card, and went to that gym instead. It was clear immediately that it was not made for deadlifting. The weight plates were thick rubber, and there was only one pair of 45lbs plates. I had to borrow a pair of 2.5lbs plates locked away inside a closet to complete my warmup.

Anyway, long story short, I just realized as I was writing this that I ended up deadlifting 1 x 5 x 280lbs again, by mistake, thanks to an unfamiliar setup, and my weightlifting app or myself forgetting to increase by 5lbs. Sigh, after all that trouble.

Dinner: fatty lamb chop; seafood soup; and unfortunately some terrible, heavily-processed beef sausages. Some black fig vodka.

Supper: chicken curry.

Commentary: anyway, despite having deadlifted 5lbs less than I would have liked, I do not feel as sore as I usually would after waking up the next day. Usually, my back would be hurting. Today, only the muscles between my shoulder plates are a bit sore. Maybe I’ll feel something more tomorrow, but this is nice. Also, despite having lifted the same weight I did five days before, it felt easier this time.



Trishank Karthik Kuppusamy
The Serial-Cycling Diet

Amateur computer scientist, RWRI alumnus & instructor, physical culturist.