Navigating Cloud Migration with AWS: Understanding the Seven R’s

Paul Parsons
The Server Labs
Published in
4 min readDec 26, 2023


In the dynamic realm of cloud computing, migrating to the cloud has become a transformative endeavour for businesses seeking to embrace agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency. AWS’s Well-Architected Framework provides a robust and structured approach to cloud migration, guiding organisations through a well-defined process that prioritises security, performance, and reliability. At the heart of this framework lies the Seven R’s of Cloud Migration, a set of distinct strategies tailored for moving applications and workloads seamlessly to the cloud.

This blog post delves into the intricacies of these strategies, empowering you to make informed decisions and navigate the cloud migration journey with confidence.

1. Rehosting (‘Lift and Shift’)

Rehosting, also known as ‘lift and shift,’ is the simplest and quickest migration approach, involving the direct transfer of applications from on-premises infrastructure to AWS without any significant changes. This strategy is suitable for applications that are well-maintained, stable, and not reliant on specific on-premise dependencies.

In the case of AWS, rehosting typically entails deploying applications directly in EC2 instances.

2. Replatforming

Replatforming takes rehosting a step further by optimising applications for the cloud environment. This involves adjusting the application’s architecture to leverage cloud-native features such as auto-scaling, serverless computing, and managed services. Replatforming offers cost savings and improved performance without requiring a complete rewrite of the application.

3. Repurchasing

Repurchasing involves replacing ageing or outdated applications with cloud-native alternatives. This strategy is particularly beneficial when cloud-based solutions offer enhanced functionality, scalability, and cost-efficiency compared to existing on-premises options. By embracing cloud-native products, businesses can modernise their IT infrastructure and reap the full benefits of cloud computing.

4. Refactoring/Rearchitecting

For applications that require significant changes to fully realise the potential of cloud computing, refactoring or rearchitecting is the preferred approach. This involves fundamentally rethinking the application’s architecture to utilise cloud-native principles and patterns such as microservices, containers, and serverless architectures. Refactoring enables applications to adapt to the dynamic cloud environment and achieve optimal agility, scalability, and performance.

5. Retire

It is crucial to identify and decommission IT assets that have outlived their usefulness or no longer align with business objectives. This ‘Retire’ strategy helps streamline operations, reduce costs, and free up resources to focus on high-value applications and initiatives. By retiring outdated systems, businesses can maintain a lean and efficient IT infrastructure.

6. Retain

In certain situations, it may be prudent to retain applications in their existing on-premises environment for various reasons, such as compliance requirements, technical complexities, or simply due to their current effectiveness. Retention allows businesses to maintain these applications while prioritising migrations for more strategic initiatives.

7. Relocate

The newest addition to the Seven R’s, ‘Relocate,’ focuses on migrating containerized applications to AWS. This strategy involves utilising tools like AWS App2Container to seamlessly move containerized workloads to the cloud. Relocate offers a middle-ground approach for companies that have adopted containerization and seek to migrate their applications without extensive changes.


The Seven R’s of Cloud Migration provide a comprehensive roadmap for businesses embarking on their cloud journey. By aligning these strategies with AWS’s Well-Architected Framework, organisations can ensure a migration process that is not just about moving applications to the cloud, but doing so in a secure, efficient, and aligned with business objectives. Whether you’re rehosting with minimal changes, completely rearchitecting your applications, or somewhere in between, AWS offers the tools and frameworks to support your migration journey.

This blog post serves as a foundation for understanding the Seven R’s and their role in the cloud migration process.

For more information please visit our website and contact-us for assistance

