
Amazon API Gateway now supports integration with Step Functions StartSyncExecution for HTTP APIs. AWS has some news on Step Functions in combination with API Gateway today. You can now create HTTP APIs that route requests to the new AWS Step Functions Synchronous Express Workflows.

Synchronous Express Workflows are ideal to manage high-volume, short duration, synchronous workflows such as the orchestration of microservices behind Amazon API Gateway. Express Workflows can now be synchronously invoked from Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs.

Integration with other AWS services has been a popular feature in the REST APIs product. Now, with First Class Integrations, AWS has made it easy to set up direct operations with SQS-SendMessage, Kinesis-PutRecord, StepFunction-StartSyncExecution in HTTP APIs.

AWS announced the new feature here https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2020/12/amazon-api-gateway-supports-integration-step-functions-startsyncexecution-http-apis/



Wibo van der Sluis
My Serverless Notebook

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