AWS Local Zones: Unlocking the Power of Low-Latency, High-Performance Computing

Wibo van der Sluis
My Serverless Notebook
2 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by Mehmet Ali Peker on Unsplash

AWS Local Zones is a new Amazon Web Services (AWS) service that provides customers with low-latency, high-performance computing capabilities in specific geographic locations. With Local Zones, customers can run compute-intensive workloads such as gaming, augmented reality, and machine learning closer to their users, reducing latency and improving performance.

One of the critical benefits of Local Zones is the ability to run compute-intensive workloads closer to users. This is particularly useful for applications that require real-time processing or low-latency interactions, such as online gaming or augmented reality. With Local Zones, users can experience faster response times, resulting in a better experience.
Another benefit of Local Zones is the ability to run workloads in specific geographic locations. This allows customers to comply with data sovereignty requirements and reduce data transfer costs. In addition, Local Zones are connected to the AWS global network, allowing customers to easily move data between locations and take advantage of other AWS services.

AWS Local Zones also allow customers to take advantage of the full range of AWS services, including compute, storage, and databases. This will enable customers to run their entire application stack in a Local Zone, providing a seamless experience for their users.

AWS Local Zones are available in a select number of geographic locations. But the plan is to expand the service to more locations in the future.
In conclusion, AWS Local Zones is a powerful new service that provides customers with low-latency, high-performance computing capabilities. As AWS continues to expand the service to more locations, more and more customers will have access to the benefits of Local Zones. Whether you’re running compute-intensive workloads, complying with data sovereignty requirements, or looking to improve the user experience, Local Zones can help you achieve your goals.



Wibo van der Sluis
My Serverless Notebook

🧙 Cloud Enthusiast & AWS Wizard | 👷 Crafting Future-Proof Platforms | Seasoned Engineer Making the Cloud ☁️ Soar!