AWS Videos

AWS Serverless event-driven architectures

Scalable serverless event-driven architectures with SNS, SQS & Lambda


In this video recorded as part of re:Invent2020, Justin Pirtle, Principal Solution Architect at AWS, goes into event-driven serverless architectures on AWS. He talks about utilizing Serverless services like SNS, SQS, and Lambda to enable our applications to scale to burst so they can handle virtually any demand while benefiting from AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing and low operational overhead.

Justin talks about architecture patterns and best practices for composing end-to-end architectures with queues, pub/sub topics, and front-end APIs paired with AWS Lambda-based on-demand and automatic scaling serverless event processing.

We will learn guiding principles for building optimal event-driven architectures with considerations for delivery and ordering guarantees, event consumption models, and infrastructure cost.



Wibo van der Sluis
My Serverless Notebook

🧙 Cloud Enthusiast & AWS Wizard | 👷 Crafting Future-Proof Platforms | Seasoned Engineer Making the Cloud ☁️ Soar!